Riverside coho

is riverside a decent place to go for coho, if so what should i use, other than eggs.
I was wondering the same thing. I have no interest in the "snagging alley". I have never been to riverside but it looks like it would offer plenty of room for a lot of guys to fish. I recall hearing about fish being caught this spring in the bend above the park. Is that still a productive hole given the current conditions?
only when fish are moving. The first day we get some serious rain it will produce a little, but you need to be there about 1 hour after it starts raining to catch the main push of them blasting through.
Once they have enough water to move, they do it FAST..
Don't wait for rain! Fish are pushing through right now. The river is loaded. The best bite has been early AM.
Riverside has good access upstream of the parking lot.
Go up to Barton, tons of room.
you're right, the river has had fish for about a month now... the best bite is ALWAYS early am for coho...

If you want to have a shot at a 20+ fish day, hit it hard on that first good day of rain.
Hit it now!......Before you know it, It'll be over.
They're still having lights out days for coho at B-10. It's far from tailing out... This is going to close at the end of OCT and fish will still be coming.
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No kidding Sherlock........And before you know it...It's Halloween...and it's over!

To you new fisherman..........Next year dont wait for rain...Silvers will be in the river even before they start seeing them rolling at the mouth.
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osmosis said:
you're right, the river has had fish for about a month now... the best bite is ALWAYS early am for coho...

If you want to have a shot at a 20+ fish day, hit it hard on that first good day of rain.

how do you have 20 fish days?
You keep three and throw back the rest.
yep, you cycle through and pick your favorites. once you hit your limit on the head with rocks you go home wishing you hadnt killed that last fish so you could keep going. option b is your arm starts hurting so you get outta there.
adambomb said:
I was wondering the same thing. I have no interest in the "snagging alley". I have never been to riverside but it looks like it would offer plenty of room for a lot of guys to fish. I recall hearing about fish being caught this spring in the bend above the park. Is that still a productive hole given the current conditions?

If you don't want to fish the bowling alley hole just go up to Cross Park.
I went there yesterday after work and plenty of fish were moving through, five or ten at a time. Plenty of space.
The fish are in there. I think you just have to put in your time. I've fished four days this week and caught two fish. I think it's like the the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. The odds are probably better with fishing though.
I mean like, how do you even hook 20... but a little birdy destroyed the 20 and gave me 74...
what works out there, eggs, corkies, spinners, sand shrimp? what should i try.
Small black corkie with black or red yarn has been working for me. Size #3 and#4 spinners. Red body...Red blade , Black body..black blade, Red body...pink blade , Red body..brass blade , Lime green body...brass blade. The water is ultra clear, and the fish moving through the lower river are easily spooked. Be aware of where you are standing, and what you are doing. If you can see the fish, they can see you. Find yourself a slick tailout and watch it for twenty minutes or so. If you are looking down at it from upstream you will see a wave appear and push it's way upstream. This will be a pod of fish moving through.
I make my own spinners, so you you might not find those color combinations. Experiment with what you can find.
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Cracker said:
No kidding Sherlock........And before you know it...It's Halloween...and it's over!

To you new fisherman..........Next year dont wait for rain...Silvers will be in the river even before they start seeing them rolling at the mouth.

Hey cracker, Its very clear you are new to the forum and in time you will realize you will learn a lot more from osmosis about the clack than most.
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kirkster said:
Hey cracker, Its very clear you are new to the forum and in time you will realize you will learn a lot more from osmosis about the clack than most.
Hey Kirkster, It's very clear that you are new to the forum, and in time you will realize that you can learn quite a lot about the Clack by fishing it.
why are people such smart A$$3$ for no reason.. cracker first off osmo's big thing is about always having them kick ass day why would you be fishing the clack for early coho when you can be on another river kicken ass...Yes fish will be in the system well befor you see them jumping but not enough to waist time on when you can have 20+fish days on anouter river...

So to all you new fisherman go where the fish are!!! have fun and enjoy yourself

and cracker/kirkstar you bot are new to this site joined aug of 09 and have a lil over 50 post
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