Razor clam retriever!

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about half my razors give themselves away in the surf ('volcanoes' or 'donuts') and the other half are 'sand drops' usually as a result of walking, digging, or tapping the sand near them.

I tried an experiment early this morning and took 'Pepper' with me to dig razors on a challenging very early +0.3 tide..

We hit the beach in the dark and watched the full moon set into the ocean on our way to 'Big Clam Beach'.

While I was wandering the edge of the surf and getting the first few clams, I tossed her tennis ball and she chased it all over the sand where I normally 'stomp' up the rest of my limit.

Where she left tracks, result!

Where she skidded to a stop to grab the ball, double result!

About 8am, done!

Back home, nap time!
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Reactions: EOBOY and 4labs
Great pic and story. I would rather spend time with a "pepper" than most people I know.
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cool stuff Roger!!
Was Pepper rewarded with some Chowder my friend? LOL
troutdude;n614035 said:
Was Pepper rewarded with some Chowder my friend? LOL

yeah we sort of split an apple fritter on the way home...our standard "successful outing" reward...
Good girl! Best fishing dog I know, right on Roger :thumb:

Tough weekend for both of us, Cougs were oh so close and that Duck game was just a hard one to take.
What a nice looking dog! My Bo Dog could have been a brother...looked almost the same except some brindle on chest and legs. As far as the clams go, you musta went north for those.....definitely not around Florence.
CoastieFlo;n614040 said:
What a nice looking dog! My Bo Dog could have been a brother...looked almost the same except some brindle on chest and legs. As far as the clams go, you musta went north for those.....definitely not around Florence.

FYI- the double, where she is laying down (clam numbers 12 and 13), I was setting up for the picture with that nice drop that is below her ear and I had not seen the other one until I got my phone out and spotted it...
I tried that with my labs, but Bert (my 3 yr old black lab) enjoyed running off with the catch, too much. I have 2, brothers from the same litter, both about 110 pounds, but not fat. Daddy was a 97 pound chocolate, and first born from the litter is at 137 pounds. They are a challenge on the kayak, but do enjoy coming along with me when surf or bank fishing.
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Slo;n614066 said:
I tried that with my labs, but Bert (my 3 yr old black lab) enjoyed running off with the catch, too much. I have 2, brothers from the same litter, both about 110 pounds, but not fat. Daddy was a 97 pound chocolate, and first born from the litter is at 137 pounds. They are a challenge on the kayak, but do enjoy coming along with me when surf or bank fishing.

excellent, beautiful Lab! 'Pepper' is about 85#, has great balance and totally ignores fish on the kayak. I let her sniff the first few razors and she wasn't interested. She keeps focused on the 'Pup-peroni' treats that I always have.

I just sold my Hobie Oasis, that she rode up front on, when my 2019 Hobie Outback arrives, she will move to the back deck which has loads of room for her..
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rogerdodger;n614068 said:
excellent, beautiful Lab! 'Pepper' is about 85#, has great balance and totally ignores fish on the kayak. I let her sniff the first few razors and she wasn't interested. She keeps focused on the 'Pup-peroni' treats that I always have.

I just sold my Hobie Oasis, that she rode up front on, when my 2019 Hobie Outback arrives, she will move to the back deck which has loads of room for her..

Thanks. Here's a pic of his brother....Ernie. Ya, I know...cute names. Wasn't my choice, otherwise they would have ended up as Smith and Wesson, instead of Bert and Ernie.

Give us a review of your new yak, I've been thinking of upgrading mine.

Thanks again,
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