Got crabs?


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The big wind&rain storm that we have been enjoying took Monday off, light winds and mostly sunny, so I had a feeling there would be good crab to be found in CoosBay, and I was right.

heading out fully loaded- I carry 2 full size pots- a regular Danielson box trap and under it, a 32" round ProMar that collapses flat, this keeps their weight low on the kayak,. Both traps have an extra 3 pounds of weight on the bottom to keep them solidly on the bottom.


this is about as loaded as the ProMar has ever been, ended up having 4 solid keepers and 2 soft keepers that I tossed back.


anything soft or under 6" went back, Three of my limit were 7"+.


I'm about 100 yards from the chip tanker (wide angle GoPro). The tanker makes almost no wake but the tug boat in front of it tossed a set of 5' rollers that I 'shred' head on, they could roll a kayak like mine hitting from the side.

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Nice! That ProMar was loaded. Not considering cost, if you could only use one trap, which one of those would you choose?
00Swede;n611373 said:
Nice! That ProMar was loaded. Not considering cost, if you could only use one trap, which one of those would you choose?

the ProMar for sure if I am checking it regularly, it has 3 ramps that the crab can get into real fast. But occasionally, a door sticks open, not a problem unless the bait runs out.

So if I am leaving a trap for a long soak while I fish, the Danielson box trap would be my choice, more room inside and almost no chance of a door getting stuck open. (I wrap about 4" of 1/4" lead around the bottom of each door, keeps them closed real good. I started doing that after I dropped my GoPro with a pot to see what was going on.)
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