Another Simpson Reef hat trick

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following my 2018 motto: "bottom fish early and often", I spent the day at Simpson Reef. :D



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Nice haul again and nice conditions, too!
here is that moment of concern when after a 3 hour soak, there are only about 9 crab in your first pot. (hands up if you have pulled one like this in an estuary and had them all be just under legal size)


followed quickly by a smile when they are all male and keepers, 7 ended up being between 6" and 6.5" (the commercial boats have harvested just about everything over 6.25").


second trap had more in it but same keeper count of 7.

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Most excellent!
rogerdodger with the puck crosses the blue line! One defender in front of him. He shakes & bakes with outstanding puck control! He gets a step past the defender, backhander stick side ("He Shoots!")........"HE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!" " Rogerdoger with the ocean hat trick"

Well played sir!

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^^ Nice Brandon, been enjoying the playoffs, GO CAPS!

Awesome Roger! Nice haul, my wife bought some ling cod at the market yesterday, don't want to tell you what she paid :sad: Looks like a nice calm day on the water.
hobster;n611919 said:
^^ Nice Brandon, been enjoying the playoffs, GO CAPS!

Awesome Roger! Nice haul, my wife bought some ling cod at the market yesterday, don't want to tell you what she paid :sad: Looks like a nice calm day on the water.

cheers! I'm OK with the Penguins not winning it again this year...Vegas is my western conf. team now, GO Knigets!
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