
I hope that this isn't any of you. If so, please PM me so that I may never fish with you.
If so then post here because I don't think any of us would like to fish with that person anymore!
Thts all bs. If the hatcheries and government were doing there job than this wouldn't be an issue. That run is far from endangered. I fish it all the time and it is frustrating seeing mostly natives caught. Not only that but a few years ago you were allowed to keep one a day then some idiots got together passed a bs law and now the ones who don't agree with it aren't getting fined for something that was leagal before and should be legal now. Now on a river that has a small native run with an abundance of clipped fish this would not sit well with me but in a river loaded with natives and clipped fish are few and far between and you used to be able to get a few now guys who have grown up fishing this system are ****ed because "Oh we haven't been able to get any fish in there for you" seems like some bs to me. I drive all the way down there just to have to let go natives and pray for that needle in a haystack just doesn't seem right. I feel sorry for the guys being busted but I feel for them it's just not worth it to me. I actually had a run in with one of these sneeky cops earlier this season, good thing I don't break the law anymore but when they run my name I bet it keeps them on the lookout.
It makes me wonder why a lot of times it's only about getting the meat on the dinner table or in the smoker. Why can't people be satisfied hooking, playing, landing and releasing wild fish? Don't get me wrong, I love the taste of fish and I'll eat it any day of the week, but to be bummed that you couldn't take one home because it was a native goes against the very reason why we fish; it's the thrill of it! Am I just blow'in roe here or what? Look at Joe's picture up there, he's holding that native fish gently just inches above the water only long enough to get a picture before he lets it go. And he was happy about it!
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I totally agree OTF! Catching one you can keep is a bonus, the real fun is tricking one into biting and then the fight that follows. I even enjoy releasing them and watching them swim away.
I am with OTF.. I LOVE to eat fish.. is my favorite meal.. but I love to catch fish more. As long as I can get a picture with it I am good :) Plus catching one just gets ya fired up to catch more... :)
At one point in my life I had no idea of what the fishing experience really was...it was all about catching, rippin gills, hitting on the head, and eating. Thankfully I have moved past that time. Catching fish is a bonus. It is the experience that I go for. It is really rewarding to watch a beautiful nate swim away to go do its thing on the gravel where it belongs. I do not personally believe that there is a such thing as a native fishery that can sustain the kind of pressure(s) that we have today in Oregon. I would like to some day see my grandkids catch a salmon or steelhead from this beautiful state and I dont see that being possible if something isn't changed very very soon. What is the solution.... I dont have the answer... all I can do is my part and release all nates. Eat brats, high finners need to spawn
Now, I can see where it can be frustrating. I'm not saying I condone it at all. I agree with OTF also. Why can't people be happy with the whole aspect of fishing? Here's what I think all of you are forgetting. Most of the infractions are taking place below Elkton. Between Elkton and Scottsburg there's not a lot of civilization. I'm betting that there's not that many computers, digital cameras out in that neck of the woods. How much you want to bet it's the technologically challenged hillbillies out there who have to bonk the fish and take it home because otherwise no one would believe them? I used to live in Reedsport and deliver furniture/lumber all over out there...... and let me tell you... some of those people are down right scarey. :lol:
I don't think its that they are misinformed. I think those who are doing it would do it regardless. There are those types at every river. We saw some shady stuff when floating the Coquille River. That's all I am gonig to say on this subject. ;)
Theres a rule for the rogue u can keep 5 natives a year, 1 a day. As long as its 24inchs and in a certain time frame (feb 1 - April 30) think ill start fishin it than :D
OnTheFly said:
It makes me wonder why a lot of times it's only about getting the meat on the dinner table or in the smoker. Why can't people be satisfied hooking, playing, landing and releasing wild fish? Don't get me wrong, I love the taste of fish and I'll eat it any day of the week, but to be bummed that you couldn't take one home because it was a native goes against the very reason why we fish; it's the thrill of it! Am I just blow'in roe here or what? Look at Joe's picture up there, he's holding that native fish gently just inches above the water only long enough to get a picture before he lets it go. And he was happy about it!

I feel you a 100%.. I would be fine releasing every fish i caught in one season. Snap a quick picture and let it go.. The real fun is catching the fish. :D
True ALL DAT!!!;)
If its my first fish and i could keep it I would say would probably give it the wood shampoo. with that being said the nate in my pick was the first big fish I ever put on the bank by law I could of taged it.... but i didn't let her go to go do her thing.... took a pic and will remember the day forever! If its clipped and ok to eat or smoke you know its not going back unless for some reason i get into a crap load of fish and dont want the day to end yet.

The only reason i would be ok with what they are doing is if its for food on the table and thats only thing you could do to feed the family. I have had family who have had to hunt out of season just for the food because there was nothing left to do. wasn't happy about it but I know i would do what i had to to feed my family. I really dont think thats whats going on here though!!!!
I think that people that argue that they are "putting meat on the table" have their priorities worng.

Add up the yearly cost of your license, gear, gas, food for the trip and the time it takes to go fishing (you might add in the cost of the ticket you just paid for poaching). Now go to the store and check the price of fish.

I'm pretty sure that when you add it up, your better OFF sitting at home and not making excuses to kill fish that you shouldn't be.

But maybe it's easier for me to release fish? I don't eat them. I even find excuses to NOT bring them home (had to hike out and didn't want to pack it, it was a darker fish, it had a fresh cut on it's back...... ) :P
Yeah fishing is fun just fishing but on river where they close a non endangered wild run down and can't get any hatchery fish in the river could make some people mad. Esspecially they guys who live down there and have there spots down and don't need to or afford to drive farther than there favorite local holes that have always done good in the past but now all of a sudden you can't keep any fish that odfw didn't put there and they sren't putting any in there. I feel for the guys down there. way to let the government screew up your favorute fishery in your backyard and come give you tickets for what was legal once and might be your only shot at having a few fish in the winter.
man this is getting a lot of atenshoin. It was once legal to keep them? BUT IT IS NOT NOW!!!! i mean you could say it was once legal to cary a gun and if you felt it justifed to use it. BUT IT IS NOT NOW!!!!! (with out the proper permit) But you would not say its cool or i feel for the guy that is brakeing the law. maybe that is not a fare conparison but it works. I feel for them to but there are river where you can keep nates if you want one :naughty: Like the chetco but most of use do not keep them they are a very specal fish the point is in a lot of these rivers with a susanible run of natives the thing is is a steelhead can return to the river more than once to spawn so killing one nate is like killing 1 to 3 gens of nates just that one fish can make a diffrance. so most fisheries that have a big run of a lot of nates dont let you keep native steelhead because they can have moltiple spawning sickels.they are not like salmon that only spawen once but hay i juess evey one has there own set of morals but that is why we have laws and OSP
The thing that is going on down there is the nate run was close not to long ago and ever since the closer odfw hasn't been able to produce a fair number of hatchery fish so the guys feel cheated. And I ubderstand where they are coming from. As for a gun you can carry one in open site all you want as far as I know unless things have changed.
OnTheFly said:
It makes me wonder why a lot of times it's only about getting the meat on the dinner table or in the smoker. Why can't people be satisfied hooking, playing, landing and releasing wild fish? Don't get me wrong, I love the taste of fish and I'll eat it any day of the week, but to be bummed that you couldn't take one home because it was a native goes against the very reason why we fish; it's the thrill of it! Am I just blow'in roe here or what? Look at Joe's picture up there, he's holding that native fish gently just inches above the water only long enough to get a picture before he lets it go. And he was happy about it!

it would be a lot cheaper to just buy your fish at safeway if that is all you cared about
Thuggin4Life said:
The thing that is going on down there is the nate run was close not to long ago and ever since the closer odfw hasn't been able to produce a fair number of hatchery fish so the guys feel cheated. And I ubderstand where they are coming from. As for a gun you can carry one in open site all you want as far as I know unless things have changed.
ya i get what your saying that sucks they lost there rites to keep the fish they have bean able to keep for there hole life it sucks but in the same way we need to try to proteckt those runs so they are there in the future rite????????
on the gun thing not that it matters but it depends on where you are every citiy has difrent laws and ordinces for intstance if you have a gun in your vihicke in plan site but it is with in your reach it is a conceald weapon in plane site or not. if you try to walk down the street in portland with a pistal on your hit you 80 % chance the first of a few charges you will get will be menissing with a fire arm and that is a felony
it is are constitooshinal rite to bare arms but like rivers ever county or citie line you cross the law changes. when i took all my class for my permet i made sure to askk al about the laws of caring a gun sence i carry one in to the wood all the time and you can cary a rifle in plane site and not get hasled much but a pistal and things change thats why it is best to just get your permit to be legal


I have been fishing in this state a long time , part of the problem is that many hatchery fish are not clipped resulting in someone getting a ticket.
A few years ago a friend of mine walked out of McIver Park with a clipped springer and got a ticket from a statie because he thought that the fish was
" was not clipped enough " . A worker at the hatchery happened to be driving by and my friend flagged him down , the guy said that it was a clipped hatchery fish , he still got the ticket and lost the fish . A heated discussion ensued over whether that fish was going to wind up in the statie's fridge.
The state police are poorly trained in fish I.D. Raising money with tickets is the main goal. It is a good idea to photo that fin in case you have to go to court . I suppose that one day we will have to bring a lawyer with us every time we go fishing. "Wild" springers in the Clack. are a myth created by our friends at O.D.F.W. , all springers in the Clack. are hatchery , clipped or not .
When you are on a river releasing " wild " fish all day long the temptation to make a run for it is very strong . They are "wild" because some hatchery worker did not clip them. And so the fish wars rage on.

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