Plunking on the Columbia river.

I was wondering if there is any good bank fishing on the Columbia river right now for the chinook. I know Bonniville is productive, but I'm assuming they aren't there yet. So if anyone has any help I would greatly appreciate it!
kelley point park is one option
Prescott beach near Rainier on Hwy 30... hard to miss, about 80 folks are lined up there by 6 a.m
halibuthitman said:
Prescott beach near Rainier on Hwy 30... hard to miss, about 80 folks are lined up there by 6 a.m

thats why people like me with no life get up at two and be at the fishing spots be four.
Prescott or Dibley beach in the Rainier area. I also hear folks fish off the beach on Sauvie Island though i have never tried it. Frenchman's Bar is another place i hear that does well for bank fishing but again, i have never been there either.
Gosh thanks everyone for all the places.... really only knew about Sauvies. I appreciate it!
There was people plunking at Sauvie Island today. No luck though
Swamp Puppy is right as always...Prescott and Dibblee Beach in Rianier are good spots. I fish the North side of Dibblee and have seen about a half dozen Steelies caught the last few weeks. The norm rigging is 3 spin n glos using either scent or Coon Striped Shrimp for bait...or 2 spin n glos and run a flat/kwik fish down your line on a snap swivel. You don't have to trhow out that far. I have seen a lot of the "mature" fishermen toss out maybe 15 feet and get great results.
There is also the occasional chinook hooked as well.
I plan on bein there all weekend and you will find most the guys out there are willing to help set you up, give you tips and are overall freindly to fish around.
Good Fishing To All!
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Swamp Puppy said:
Frenchman's Bar is another place i hear that does well for bank fishing but again, i have never been there either.

Frenchman's Bar is on the Washington side, right?
Me and fishing freak probably be at Prescott unless we go somewhere new.. He picked up 1 of the only 2 nooks landed.. Between think it was 26 rods I could see

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