Please take pictures

please take pictures of your outtings and tell to read and see! can't wait till the days come back when i sat at my computer or got on my phone and could read fishing day after fishing many non related things going it because there is no featured reports??? what happened to them anyway??? can we trade the reputaion points for the featured reports???? any way i miss some of your stories........tight lines
Been trying so busy lately . Not sure if it is the lack of featured reports or just the uncertainty of the forums futrure ,seems like other than a few new posts pic and story time have been down. Hope to have a bunch for ya tomorrow off to basstopia for a shot at the big girls.
I did a general report on my Alaska trip in the fly fishing section, but I am slowly putting more detailed stuff on my blog. I can copy some over...I am with you, I like to see the pictures.
Thanks guys...that was a special trip fishing with my dad. I wrote up day one and day two details on my blog. I can get the text over here easily but the pictures are a pain. I am surprised you guys like the AK stuff better than the carp reports! Hah!
Yeah i miss the daily posts of pics and fishing! =/ If other people are willing to do the same, i will start takin more pics of the scenery and the fish i catch. I will try to post more after every outing of even being skunked.

All it takes is a good picture of scenery or fish's caught/in water to keep this forum going. I will gladly restart the (fishing) posts starting tomorrow.

My fishing time will be less now that i got all morning shifts 5 days a week =/

If the some of you that still post on ur outings, take some pics and post them to, make a story with the pics you take (about or related) to fishing tho plz!
Well couldnt wait had to try out the new sebile out back went 2 for 3 missing the first, all I can say is look out basstopia ..... 014.jpg011.jpg012.jpg Sorry about the dilrod face I always have when i am lookin at fish
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Nice bass FP Had one on for a few seconds at a little swampy pond we were at the other day.....almost had my bass on a fly..
Yeah I need to make longer more detailed fishing reports again. in fact we all do. this is a forum not just a post a fish pic website. And besides we all need a bit of porn to make it through the work week.
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