pink steelhead worms

does anyone use these? do they work? i picked some up and am going to try them tommorow at riverside. i saw on a web site to use them with a jig head or also said works really well if you wacky rig them when your drift fishing. any feedback from some of the pro steelie fisherman here? also is anyone else going to try riverside tommorow? i'm bringing a ton of stuff tommorow, i'm going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at em.:cool:
fitterdent said:
does anyone use these? do they work? i picked some up and am going to try them tommorow at riverside. i saw on a web site to use them with a jig head or also said works really well if you wacky rig them when your drift fishing. any feedback from some of the pro steelie fisherman here? also is anyone else going to try riverside tommorow? i'm bringing a ton of stuff tommorow, i'm going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at em.:cool:

Use real worms right now... Im not pro, but all the pros say use real eggs, shrimp or worms............... Drift fish some real worms and most of the strikes are short strikes... so I wouldnt use plastic worms.
Pink worms work great but dont fall in love with them like I see most people on the river have...;)
They surely have a time, and a place, but they are one of those things that a lot of folks pack around, and never catch fish on! If you have some, keep 'em around for those really strange, off days. I have a number 35 hotshot for just that occasion on days of plug draggin.
most of the time pink is all you need but dont get stuck with just pink. white and many dark colors work well too.
I have not verified this yet, but I am sure that someone has a dozen crawlers sittin' around after today:lol:. Maybe we could even get same day test results:D...

Pink worms work so well because after a worm has been drowned for some time, few hours or whatever, they turn from brown to pink. Ish. Now, makes sense to me, that a pink worm would be the most natural looking artificial bait you could possibly toss, after a rain. Right?

:think:Just what I heard.

Like I said, I dont know fer sure. I know that my worms do turn a lot lighter after being dunked in the puddle for a half hour or so. Maybe I just never let em soak long enough??
how does one rig a worm? wacky style work good?
FishSchooler said:
Use real worms right now... Im not pro, but all the pros say use real eggs, shrimp or worms............... Drift fish some real worms and most of the strikes are short strikes... so I wouldnt use plastic worms.

It is always dangerous to use the words "all" or "none".

Do you consider Jack Glass to be pro?

He recommends pink worms on jigs in his seminars.
NewToORFishing said:
It is always dangerous to use the words "all" or "none".

Do you consider Jack Glass to be pro?

I meant on this website... such as AA, Osmosis, FF
And the pro-ish such as Fishtopher, Bigdog, Luv2fish

No offence to those who think they are "pro" but surely I am not cause I havent even landed one yet! :rolleyes:
NewToORFishing said:
It is always dangerous to use the words "all" or "none".

Do you consider Jack Glass to be pro?

I Guarntee you the Glass's are fishing bait right now. You fish bait in high off color waters so fish can can smell it. You fish pink worms when the fish can actually see them.

Also don't forget who pays for the Glass's fancy boat and the fact that they just happen to sell pretty pink worms as well.
Snagged said:
I Guarntee you the Glass's are fishing bait right now. You fish bait in high off color waters so fish can can smell it. You fish pink worms when the fish can actually see them.

Also don't forget who pays for the Glass's fancy boat and the fact that they just happen to sell pretty pink worms as well.

No friggin doubt! Good words man.
Snagged said:
I Guarntee you the Glass's are fishing bait right now. You fish bait in high off color waters so fish can can smell it. You fish pink worms when the fish can actually see them.

Also don't forget who pays for the Glass's fancy boat and the fact that they just happen to sell pretty pink worms as well.

I just sent Jack an email -- don't know if he'll post here, as his people are active on iFish rather than OFF, but I thought I'd give him the opportunity to speak for himself regarding what he's fishing now.
NewToORFishing said:
I just sent Jack an email -- don't know if he'll post here, as his people are active on iFish rather than OFF, but I thought I'd give him the opportunity to speak for himself regarding what he's fishing now.

I see him on the river often and his little worms stuck in all the trees. I know he fishes a lot of worms, but he has to catch his clients fish and the best thing to use for that in high muddy water is bait. Worms work I'm not saying the don't, but if the fish can't see them or smell them they can't bite them. I am sure Jack would agree with that and unless he has gone strictly artificial for winter steelhead he is probably using the most effective thing for our current river conditions. And when river condition allow he will probably switch back to worms.

And P.S. they are not pink.
Last edited:

"Ladies and Gentelmen, boys and girls, children of all ages"...:rolleyes:

Lots of guys, including you, are active on I****.net, here on this fine forum.:think:If he doesn't post here, it's not because he's active on I****.net, rather because he is probably a sponsor. You could probably ask him what he's using though, and you could pass it on...:lol:You say "his people" like he is a State Senator or something:lol:.

Just for kicks, Ill bet he's tossin' bait, or even pullin' plugs as of today. Just for kicks. I wont go as far as guarantee though;):lol:...

Originally posted by Snagged "You fish bait in high off color waters so fish can can smell it. You fish pink worms when the fish can actually see them."
So you can fish'em in high off color water...with scent...
If I have real worms i'll throw'em rather than fishing pink worms....i personally know people who have caught fish on pink worm....but my faith still leans more towards the OEM and not the "replacement part".
Regarding Glasses, those people have been fishing for so long, they for sure know the places and the kind of conditions which make hook ups on pink worm....mebbe with course of time i'll get that experience in my sleeves and then i might say a word of praise for those so called pink worms.
To be honest when i plunk from meldrum...i've a rig rigged with pink worm on the end with spin n glo on top (# 4 size)...and when nothing works..i've tried that rig so many times but its still a "virgin".
osmosis said:
most of the time pink is all you need but dont get stuck with just pink. white and many dark colors work well too.

Jack Glass's Response

Jack Glass's Response

Fishtopher said:

"Ladies and Gentelmen, boys and girls, children of all ages"...:rolleyes:

You[/U][/I] could probably ask him what he's using though, and you could pass it on...:lol:

Just for kicks, Ill bet he's tossin' bait, or even pullin' plugs as of today. Just for kicks. I wont go as far as guarantee though;):lol:...


Jack Glass did take the time to respond, and his response follows:

Hi (NewToORFishing - name replaced) and readers of the OFF:

About those pink worms, We do fish pink worms often, mainly when the water is Med to low conditions and your right we use fish eggs allot in higher water conditions.

We like to use EZ eggs, Jensen eggs and our pink worm of choice is the Berkly
Power Bait steelhead worms 4"-6" we use them hole or cut them down.

No we do not chime in on I Fish or other boards we will go look at them if some one brings some thing to our attn; I think all the boards are a great source of information but it's not our thing to communicate this way but since I was asked this is my reply.

Are the Glass's Pro's? To what level do you become a Pro fisherman?

First off you make you full income as a sport fisherman. And you must fish several Tournaments that pay money for placing in the top three. You must have sponsors that pay you a binder $ for your endorsement of there products. These sponsors also supply there products to use them at no charge.

A Quality Pro will make many appearances at derby's, fund raisers,and provide lots of seminars to share information about fishing to incurage others to enjoy the resource and be good Stewart's of the water shed, and always strive with a positive attitude to helps us all to get along together on the water. Be active with many groups that represent the industry and work closely with Fish&Wildlife to protect the resource the best you can for all to enjoy.

Does that qualify as a true Pro Fisherman?
Right on! Thanks for comin' back through with the info. Sounds like a real stand up guy. I don't think anyone really doubted that Jack and "his people" were pro's though...

Shoot...'s that all ya gotta do to be pro?? Don't really sound like work, but I'll take an application please...;):D
NewToORFishing said:
Fishtopher said:

"Ladies and Gentelmen, boys and girls, children of all ages"...:rolleyes:

You[/U][/I] could probably ask him what he's using though, and you could pass it on...:lol:

Just for kicks, Ill bet he's tossin' bait, or even pullin' plugs as of today. Just for kicks. I wont go as far as guarantee though;):lol:...


Jack Glass did take the time to respond, and his response follows:

Hi (NewToORFishing - name replaced) and readers of the OFF:

About those pink worms, We do fish pink worms often, mainly when the water is Med to low conditions and your right we use fish eggs allot in higher water conditions.

We like to use EZ eggs, Jensen eggs and our pink worm of choice is the Berkly
Power Bait steelhead worms 4"-6" we use them hole or cut them down.

No we do not chime in on I Fish or other boards we will go look at them if some one brings some thing to our attn; I think all the boards are a great source of information but it's not our thing to communicate this way but since I was asked this is my reply.

Are the Glass's Pro's? To what level do you become a Pro fisherman?

First off you make you full income as a sport fisherman. And you must fish several Tournaments that pay money for placing in the top three. You must have sponsors that pay you a binder $ for your endorsement of there products. These sponsors also supply there products to use them at no charge.

A Quality Pro will make many appearances at derby's, fund raisers,and provide lots of seminars to share information about fishing to incurage others to enjoy the resource and be good Stewart's of the water shed, and always strive with a positive attitude to helps us all to get along together on the water. Be active with many groups that represent the industry and work closely with Fish&Wildlife to protect the resource the best you can for all to enjoy.

Does that qualify as a true Pro Fisherman?

Responded well
I have used them for years. Natives hit them hard!! I rig them with a prawn threader.

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