People killing chinook thinking they're coho and vice versa

Thank you jenna my point exactly. I used the comparison with the goose indetification course. Because honest mistakes are made, But very few duskys are killed each year. Simply because the hunter dosent want the risk not being able to hunt till the next year. But I can assure you if this was to take affect on salmon angling. And the risk of losing salmon catching privlidges until the next season. Like I stated from the start it would drop 99%. So People who are offeneded, or thinks I'm
Lambasting a certain person
Sorry you feel that way. But its a fact. and who ever is taking offense to my thoughts are probably the ones who need educated on this matter.
kirkster said:
But lambasting?? Not sure what you mean I simply stated the reason I started this thread.

Yeah! You've always been a "lambaster"! :lol:

You might be able to redeem yourself by taking me fishing, helping me actually catch something, and then give me a personal lesson in identification :lol:

Seriously, thanks to everyone for the great education available here :clap:
masmith said:
I won't be posting pictures on here anymore.

That's a shame. It was a nice pic of a nice fish. I don't see anyone attacking you, just either asking the question or trying to be educational (which is one of the things this forum is all about! ;)). If you are confident it was a legal fish then you have nothing to worry about. If maybe you made a mistake be thankful for the helpful pointers!

If you check out the "Nice fish Caught at Oxbow" Thread from yesterday you'll see I mis-ID'ed a salmon as well. But he was going back either way so I didn't really examine with scrutiny. No one is perfect! :)
I think this was a great topic brought up honestly. There is a lot of people who arent certain 100%... Hell even last year I caught a native COHO on the CR and I wasn't 100% sure so I snapped a quick photo and let the fish go. It turns out after showing the pic to some friends I did the right thing.
kirkster said:
Thank you jenna my point exactly. I used the comparison with the goose indetification course. Because honest mistakes are made, But very few duskys are killed each year. Simply because the hunter dosent want the risk not being able to hunt till the next year. But I can assure you if this was to take affect on salmon angling. And the risk of losing salmon catching privlidges until the next season. Like I stated from the start it would drop 99%. So People who are offeneded, or thinks I'm Sorry you feel that way. But its a fact. and who ever is taking offense to my thoughts are probably the ones who need educated on this matter.

With how big the fine is for keeping coho some $350+ coho in one boat plus the gear they take I would be done for more than one year! My wife would kill me. :lol:
mgdguy said:
That's a shame. It was a nice pic of a nice fish. I don't see anyone attacking you, just either asking the question or trying to be educational (which is one of the things this forum is all about! ;)). If you are confident it was a legal fish then you have nothing to worry about. If maybe you made a mistake be thankful for the helpful pointers!

If you check out the "Nice fish Caught at Oxbow" Thread from yesterday you'll see I mis-ID'ed a salmon as well. But he was going back either way so I didn't really examine with scrutiny. No one is perfect! :)

I for one am far from perfect and never claimed to be. Yes I seen the post from Oxbow. And understand completely, I myself have got fish to the bank that were destined for release no matter what. And I would even bother to examine for spieces as well no reason to if its getting released. I think your missing my point. I read yesterday about all the tickets that were being issued on the COASTAL rivers. Where coho retention is closed and people catching coho killing them and when caught the excuses of not being able to tell the difference. Or as big as it was I thought it had to be a chinook. My main point was the excuses people had. And i used the NW goose testing as a comparison about losing your privs. until the following season. Because I think a lot of people will risk getting fined $$ But not losing fishing rights. So the people who know there doing somthing wrong will not try making excuses and risking it. And for the newb just getting started on salmon fishing would more likely research more before they set out.

P.S. Sorry once again to the ones offended. Sorry to the OFF forum moderater's if my thread was misleading. Im done replying to this thread Im headed to cedar creek for an eve bite. Feel free to join me I'll be at the big hole below the creek.
kirkster said:
I for one am far from perfect and never claimed to be. Yes I seen the post from Oxbow. And understand completely, I myself have got fish to the bank that were destined for release no matter what. And I would even bother to examine for spieces as well no reason to if its getting released. I think your missing my point. I read yesterday about all the tickets that were being issued on the COASTAL rivers. Where coho retention is closed and people catching coho killing them and when caught the excuses of not being able to tell the difference. Or as big as it was I thought it had to be a chinook. My main point was the excuses people had. And i used the NW goose testing as a comparison about losing your privs. until the following season. Because I think a lot of people will risk getting fined $$ But not losing fishing rights. So the people who know there doing somthing wrong will not try making excuses and risking it. And for the newb just getting started on salmon fishing would more likely research more before they set out.

P.S. Sorry once again to the ones offended. Sorry to the OFF forum moderater's if my thread was misleading. Im done replying to this thread Im headed to cedar creek for an eve bite. Feel free to join me I'll be at the big hole below the creek.

Actually I was just replying to masmith's post saying he wasn't going to post any more pics... :confused:
The Bottom line is this
For fishing to happen in the future it is crucial that Identification of species in fish or birds is an absolute must... Misidentification cost us all the future of fishing and hunting let alone the loss of game to hunt and fish for in the future...

The opportunity for my Grandkids to fish and hunt rely on all of us to follow the guide lines or laws accordingly wether it is truly a mistake of just not knowing. Their are way to many out there that do know better and are taking away from our generations to come...

For myself the cost of losing my privledges to fish or hunt is not worth one fish or one goose and definitely not worth my grandkids losing that chance to fish anytime in the future...

needless to say it means millions more to me and see my grandkids catch a salmon than it will ever mean to me killing the wrong species...

I really dont see how it's so hard to tell the difference.

To me it's like the difference between and Mule deer and a Blacktail deer. :lol:
If you put your hand around the wrist (above tail) of a coho the tail will colapse and go through your hand without forceing your hand open, a chinooks tail will force your hand open. I have caught fish of both species that were very hard to identify. The above method is sure fire.
I actually caught 4 hos this sunday one of which was pushing 20. I netted this fish thinking nook until i grabbed the tail to pull it out of the net and it slid out of my hand. Luckily after what seemed like an eternity the fish gave me a nice tail bath and darted off to do its thing. I was absolutely mortified at the thought of this beautiful silver dying because of my own stupidity. There was a time in my life that I had pretty much no reguard for the law or the resource, but age and passion have changed my outlook.
plumb2fish said:
If you put your hand around the wrist (above tail) of a coho the tail will colapse and go through your hand without forceing your hand open, a chinooks tail will force your hand open. I have caught fish of both species that were very hard to identify. The above method is sure fire.

Very interesting! Anyone else back this one up? :think:
Ive seen two guides do it.... its a great way to check a fish if you don't want people to know your doubting it.... but it works best on the larger fish, iv,e checked it on a feeder king and it was not quite as obvious. the girth alone on the wrist is enough to make yourself pretty confident in the i.d.... but once again.... is it worth the ticket?
I very much appreciate this thread. This old surgeon/striper/rockfisherman has never been salmon fishing yet. I've missed two planned trips to my wife's brothers house on the trinity so far; hope to make a trip later this week. When I asked him what kind of salmon they are, he said "I don't know, they're just salmon". I thought that was incredible. I read the regs, study the pics, appreciate the help. If I don't know, let it go, there will be more. I will be able to edumacate him when I go. OFF is the best. Thanks again.


fishnquest said:
I very much appreciate this thread. This old surgeon/striper/rockfisherman has never been salmon fishing yet. I've missed two planned trips to my wife's brothers house on the trinity so far; hope to make a trip later this week. When I asked him what kind of salmon they are, he said "I don't know, they're just salmon". I thought that was incredible. I read the regs, study the pics, appreciate the help. If I don't know, let it go, there will be more. I will be able to edumacate him when I go. OFF is the best. Thanks again.

Hey fishnquest, From reading your post you sound like a true sportsman.:clap: And thank you for taking the time before coming from out of state. To read and edumacate yourself and brother in law as well.:clap: My hats off to ya.:dance:
steelhead_stalkers said:
With how big the fine is for keeping coho some $350+ coho in one boat plus the gear they take I would be done for more than one year! My wife would kill me. :lol:

Yeah for those who have made the mistake and gotten away $350 nook free should feel lucky.
One ..
If I got either one of these fish I would have a heart attack of joy right after i crapped my pants..
I got to change my line 6pd isn't going to do it..
not on my barbie pole

but thanks for the pic..need to print that and laminate that to the tackle box
womanwhofishes said:
One ..
If I got either one of these fish I would have a heart attack of joy right after i crapped my pants..
I got to change my line 6pd isn't going to do it..
not on my barbie pole

but thanks for the pic..need to print that and laminate that to the tackle box

you coulkd try the barbie pole. Might be fun.
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