I replied to a post about this but I wanted to start a thread and get every ones opinion. I'm always hearing about fisherman who killed a chinook because they thought it was a coho And vice versa.
They require that goose hunters to take a course on goose identification and pass a test before they can legally hunt geese in north west Oregon. Because of the Dusky canadian honker is protected There are seven different canadian honkers. and all seven look the relativly the same.
The difference is the dusky's breast feathers are a few shades darker than the others and there bill length is is few centimeters different than the others. Other than that there indentical. At any time during the season you make a mistake and kill a dusky no ticket is issued but you lose your Right to hunt geese for the remainder of the year and you can retake the identifacation test and hunt the next year. Now keep in mind with the minamal difference in these geese this has to be done as there flying.
As many cases of people killing fish that they were not allowed to kill in my opinion is bogus. As much information thats out there showing the difference between chinook and coho. I really think tf the law was if kill a fish thinking it was onr or the other not only you a ticket is issued and you lose the right to fish for salmon for the remainder of the year and you have to pass identifacation test to be able to fish the next year.
The only difference between the goose law and this law is the goose hunthunters have to identify the geese whileflying at a distance. On the other hand a fisherman has a close hands on to be able to identify before kill. In my opinion this " mistake" would drop at least 99% if they knew they could fish salmon until next year. I'm not trying to start a huge thing and hope I'm not offending anybody A person honestly doesn't know the difference then dont fish until you do.
They require that goose hunters to take a course on goose identification and pass a test before they can legally hunt geese in north west Oregon. Because of the Dusky canadian honker is protected There are seven different canadian honkers. and all seven look the relativly the same.
The difference is the dusky's breast feathers are a few shades darker than the others and there bill length is is few centimeters different than the others. Other than that there indentical. At any time during the season you make a mistake and kill a dusky no ticket is issued but you lose your Right to hunt geese for the remainder of the year and you can retake the identifacation test and hunt the next year. Now keep in mind with the minamal difference in these geese this has to be done as there flying.
As many cases of people killing fish that they were not allowed to kill in my opinion is bogus. As much information thats out there showing the difference between chinook and coho. I really think tf the law was if kill a fish thinking it was onr or the other not only you a ticket is issued and you lose the right to fish for salmon for the remainder of the year and you have to pass identifacation test to be able to fish the next year.
The only difference between the goose law and this law is the goose hunthunters have to identify the geese whileflying at a distance. On the other hand a fisherman has a close hands on to be able to identify before kill. In my opinion this " mistake" would drop at least 99% if they knew they could fish salmon until next year. I'm not trying to start a huge thing and hope I'm not offending anybody A person honestly doesn't know the difference then dont fish until you do.