SB 736 and other Salmon news


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There seems to be bi partisan support for SB 736. It would ban gillnet fishing in the Columbia except in certain side channel pre-specified locations. The bill stands a good chance of making it into law. The difference this session as compared to the last session is the number of sponsors and who they are. One of them is Senator Hass who sits on the Environment and Natural Resources committee. That's where the bill is and I'm sure he can get Jackie Dingfelder, the chair, to bring it up for a hearing

76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2011 Regular Session

Senate Bill 736

Sponsored by Senator BATES, Representatives BAILEY, HUNT,


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

Prohibits gillnet fishing in lower Columbia River except in
off-channel fishery enhancement areas specified by rule of State
Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Becomes operative January 1, 2012.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Some other good news I found in an opinion piece writen by Jane Lubchenco, Head of NOAA. She is a former professor of marine science at OSU. She wrote in the Sunday Oregonian that with the new passage system at Little Goose Dam the servival rate is running as high as 99.5 to 99.8 for chinook and steelhead smolt on their down river passage. She sais similar systems are in place at all federal Snake and Columbia river dams. Now that has to be a good thing.

Last but not least is the already mentioned expected 760,000 total combined run of fall chinook coupled with an expected 450,000 coho. The Columbia system should be looking good for a while. ;)
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I would be careful how close I stood to Jane... the nations no.1 eco nazi, she cares about the fish, the resource... but with no intentions of having them harvested... if she gets her way you might as well sell that sweet ocean rig of yours... she is the creator and champion of the west coast marine preserves... and her idea of a good one would be from carmel to kodiak to off shore 250 miles..
I remember when all the idiots on another forum were all excited about Jane being appointed because she was a "scientist". She is nothing but another ignorant road block.
I would be careful how close I stood to Jane... the nations no.1 eco nazi, she cares about the fish, the resource... but with no intentions of having them harvested... if she gets her way you might as well sell that sweet ocean rig of yours... she is the creator and champion of the west coast marine preserves... and her idea of a good one would be from carmel to kodiak to off shore 250 miles..

I know what you mean. I was just glad to see those down river numbers. The marine preserve thing just gets me fired up. Soon the GPS on the boat will not be for real navigation, it's main purpose will be to let you know where you can not fish. The will be a new alarm on it "Danger you are entering a marine preserve"
I think gill nets do damage....dip nets are more of a fair chance. Gill nets being removed would be great for fish populations. Im Native American and a traditional dip netter...and I dont necessarly agree with what goes on with gillnetters these days. With tons of money being put on these sacred creatures greed overwelms quotas regulations, and just taking what your family needs for that year. It becomes a problem then. I wish this could happen on the Klamath River in California. My Tribe's home water.
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