Oregon steelhead fishing 2010 - 2020

Caught this feisty 10 lb. hatchery buck last weekend. Boy was he acrobatic! And tasty too!


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well i really hate to admit this but ive been so busy with work and bills that tommarow will be my first day of the year on the water. and i was wondering what was up with the slaw, LC and or any near by rivers, im going tommarow but havent scoped anything. any info would help! thanks
I haven't fished the slaw yet this year, been fishing up north. Tomorrow will be my first float on the siuslaw so I have no idea what will come of it. I've heard both good and bad reports so I think it's been inconsistent but this week I've heard good things. Good luck in your venture!
a friend of mine fished whittaker to linslaw today and only managed 2 fish...11lb hatchery and 19lb nate....daylight to dark...
I don't know how he gauged the weight of the big fish unless he usd a length x girth formula.. i do know that he is usually pretty accurate with weight
Yeah I might hit a fee of my spots on stagecoach after floatin. Haven't fished it this year. Can't convince myself to float from whittaker, the combatants can have it. That float isn't stellar anyways. Will be good to get out over there in my boat again it's been a year since my boats been out there. I feel like I've been cheating on the slaw, and, well, I have, an I have no regrets. That said super stoned to fish the river I learned to fish on way back in the day.
I'm gonna float from the 1st take out up stage coach (from swisshome) to tide...worms,spinners,yarnies,spoons,roe,and jigs...Can't wait to feel one pulling on my side-drift rod tomorrow. Nothing better than an airborne steelie on a 9'6" ultra light...or having one crush a spinner that ur burning through the slot from downstream...
I won't lie, I'm kinda oblivious about recognizing people from here when I'm out and about, but if I have a non oblivious moment and recognize ya, I'll say hey if I do. Im taking my dad fishing. Ha ha should be interesting.
I know all about that oblivious thing...Last time I saw Jeanna at Whittaker Creek I realized it was her when I got home..I usually try and keep to myself for the most part when on the river. Not intentionally rude, but not overly friendly either. I try and exchange pleasantries and will not hesitate to tell you what I'm using on the water and if it's been successful, but I am probably not going to come and seek you out to introduce myself unless we've fished in the same vicinity on more than one occasion.
And about the "stoned" thing...she freely admits being from Eugene...lol
It's slowwwwww. Maybe shoulda fished lower. About ten boats between wildcat and linslaw and one guy said he lost two. No one else had anything. Got done with the float around 3:00 and decided to check out my honey hole along stage coach, its never let me down. It didn't today. Second cast, fish on! But a few headshakes and a run upriver and fish off. Reeled in and it ate half my worm. tried to entice it again with everything I had, cause I'm a hopeless fool. That fish wasn't gonna bite again :(

There's hardly any fish at the trap. Need some more rain I guess. Water still has pretty poor visibility, felt like I was fishing blind cause I'd never done that float and don't know any of the bottom structure. Better visibility woulda been nice.
Im suprised to hear that the water hasnt cleared down there, the Alsea is almost tap water, you can see every pebble in the thing, makes me uncomfortable, and its supposed to go down to under 3.5 at the end of the week! Will have to go down as low as possible and fish the tide. Your one fish definatly made the day, its nice to have holes like that to lay on the table for slow days like that.
fished from sun up to noon, talked to a lot of people down lower, that did hook anything. but there were tons of boats down low! caught some trout. didn't make it to the combat fishing today, decided to go down and hit some oregon coast rock fish, the weather was awesome and the fishing was decent, hooked some greenlings and 2 really nice rainbow perch (12") and was just stoked to be by the water in the sun!! had a great day with my friends! sorry no pictures
That's why I like the alsea a little better it drops and clears fast. The siuslaw takes foreverrrr. Has not rained basically in two weeks and it's still filthy lol. It was at 18 feet though, and it's a different beast altogether as compared to the alsea. I'm fishing the alsea Friday, not sure where I'm putting in yet. Might hit the siuslaw again after some rain. Or fish low below brickerville.

It's flood or drought. Can't win. There no happy medium lol.
Well, Thats the report I kinda thought I was going to get...Dang..All painted up and nowhere to go..


Going to hit the Siletz again Tuesday...Tying up some yarnies now..
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