Ok I need to go fishing with someone who..

Well-known member
..knows what the hell they are doing. Skunked the last three trips. ARG!!


Haha...I heard that was why it's called fishing, not catching...o.k., i'm a smart a**. Sorry...:lol:
I think there's a number of us who need to go on that trip!:lol:
but i only threw about fifteen bucks into the river yesterday:) and actually reeled in one rock!
fishnquest said:
I think there's a number of us who need to go on that trip!:lol:
but i only threw about fifteen bucks into the river yesterday:) and actually reeled in one rock!

:lol: was it a native rock? :lol
bigdog said:
:lol: was it a native rock? :lol

Yeah, it sure was, but its all c&r here, so I had to throw it back!:lol:
Haha I need to go on that trip as well.

Lack of gas funds has me stuck at home this weekend doing laundry and other mundane stuff I'd rather postpone as long as possible.

Sucks. It's overcast and glorious out there today. And it's gonna be another 8 days until I can go again, pending gas funds.
You're not the only one skunked, we need rain bad. Everytime I go to my favorite spot I see a fish or two roll but can't hook em. They are pretty spooky for sure
I dont think its uncommon to get skunked for anyone that regularly fishes salmon or steelhead, it just happens to everyone sometimes.
greendrifter summarised it pretty good....

i couldn't find fish in numbers and the only one which i assume are salmon by the depth they were on the fish finder...we saw fish here and there but they are still not in numbers...good thing was that now i'm very well aware of the channels at willamete and how deep they are...surprised by what the ol' timers thought the depth would be....
all if you find a trip like that let us all know im pretty sure your not the only one gettting skunked ive been skunked the last 5 times ive been out
No skunks on me!

No skunks on me!

Hit Alsea yesterday..hit 4. One of the guys that went with lost three fish in three casts. My next availibility will be monday or tuesday. I've only made 4 winter steely trips this year (all within the past 2 weeks) have hooked 15, landed 9. Y'all gotta get some UV gear I'm tellin' ya. It's been hamerin on fish.
Never made it to the show. Anytime anything happens that I really want to go to, it's between paychecks and not the weekend immediately following my paycheck. Dagnabbit! Maybe it's God's way of telling me that I need to spend money on food instead of on fishin' gear. LOL.

Hey all, I'm brand new to this Salmon/Steelhead fishing stuff... anybody want to take this newbie out with them? Don't have a salmon/steelhead rod but I have a muskie rod that people tell me should work.
Where ya at? :think:
Portland. My brother couldn't live in a cool place farther south.
Kodiak said:
Hit Alsea yesterday..hit 4. One of the guys that went with lost three fish in three casts. My next availibility will be monday or tuesday. I've only made 4 winter steely trips this year (all within the past 2 weeks) have hooked 15, landed 9. Y'all gotta get some UV gear I'm tellin' ya. It's been hamerin on fish.

good fer ya, kodiak. when i grow up i want to be just like you... (jk) :lol:

seriously, though... why does uv work better? is it coz the water's all dark and dirty and the fish won't see your offering? i like chucking hardware, and i can see the flash of my #5 spinners and spoons with polarized glasses. can't the fish see that?

if uv actually works that much better then i'll have to break the bank account and get some of your predators, infernos, and such for steelies and salmon.
I need a person too... perhaps a trip with AA can be arranged... :whistle:
UV thread

UV thread

Ok....I will start a thread on the whole Uv thing. We know it's working because I take guys that have never hooked up or hooked very few, watch the fishes reaction to it and watch guys that can't hookup become engaged in serious battle in just a few casts.

Schooler>> In mid may i will be spankin' serious metal on jigs...some of them in the high teens...When you get some time I'll take you and your dad...your first metal will be very soon to follow I promise...And if the springers get with the program one or two of those also.
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Hate to say it, but GreenDrifter is right. With record low numbers showing up and very little rain ...... Hey, we can't all be gods like AA ;). This year appears a little leaner than years past, so patience is the key. If you ever need a fishing partner, let me know. I can't gaurantee to teach you anything you don't already know, but I can gaurantee your odds of fishing will be better if you get out there (50/50) vs. not getting out there (0%). I am actually looking to learn a thing or two about "tooning" myself. I have yet to get my toon wet and have several questions ..... You and Combat Chuck have done pretty well earlier this year. I too have been skunked more times than I care to remember. This year alone, I am 0 - 3. (Definitely not a 10%). Keep at it and you will find them.
graphite zen

graphite zen

you are more than welcome to join my motley crew - boat available , mostly bank - our schedule : troll Mult. Channel , Mar. - Apr. May , June , July the Clack. , Aug . Sept. Oct. - Bonniville Dam , Oct. - Nov. the Wilson - we filled our freezers and smokers with nooks . free know how and good guys -
last year we got most of them at Bonniville , on spinners , from the bank .
If you want to join us speak up ! don't be shy ! must sleep, work soon ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
OH I almost forgot

OH I almost forgot

Sat . morn. 10 a.m. River Mill Dam - hooked and lost chrome steel on a brown jig under a bobber - Estacata side of the river -

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