So the lake has been to low to launch all winter. Called state parks to se if the could clear out the mud at the bottom of the road but they don't have the man power or equipment the corps does. Look on the corps websit and noticed the lake has come up. There is a split in the road but ends with big boulders that was out of the water last time I was up. Gonna take Kiska out to let her run so instead of the dog park gonna drive up above the lake and play. While I am up there I figured I would scout the ramp and see if it is usable. Fall creek res. is one of my favorite fisheries close to home when fishing from the boat so opefully its up enough to start fishing it before all the boats and yahoos star showing up. Oh and aslo Anatoliy fall creek needs trhee sections actually four. Fall creek, Little Fall Creek, Big Fall Creek, and Fall creek reservoir. Or at least a second section for the reservoir.