Night fishing tips...?

Hey everybody, let me start off by saying although I am somewhat of a lurker here on this sight I absolutely love all the great info I am getting from reading all the posts. Anyways I was wondering if anyone has an info or tips on how to fish for bass at night. I am currently spending some time in California and my friend has a private pond on his grandparents property and tonight we plan of going out for a little night fishing excursion. From what I hear the pond is fairly deep at points (20-30 ft) but there are areas with some weed cover that are shallow. Only other info I could get out of my friend, without seeing the pond for myself, is that there are a good bunch of crawdad's that are there. I have only fished for catfish at night so basically I am looking for any advice or helpful knowledge I can get... Thanks in advance
Get the biggest, nastiest, blackest spinner/buzz bait you can find. Put a 12" black worm on it as a trailer. Cast and retrieve just fast enough for the blades to break the surface a d spin. Hold on for dear life! When they hit, they hit HARD!

Good luck!
up here when i night fish in ore, i stick to the same stuff as day but colors change with the light change instead of a brown jig i go with black normally a 3/8 ounce jig in black junebug or dark brown is my favorite night fishing bait other than that spinnerbaits buzzbaits and chatterbaits all work wonders on 2-4 maybe a 5lb bass here and there but to really get the toad to eat at night nothing beats a big bulky jig with a black brush hog or another big bulky trailer or an occasional swimbait from my personal for fun i would go spinnerbait/ buzzbait for numbers usually but i normally stick with my big guns and get rewarded with bigger fish! just my opinion try all of the above see what works : )
up here when i night fish in ore, i stick to the same stuff as day but colors change with the light change instead of a brown jig i go with black normally a 3/8 ounce jig in black junebug or dark brown is my favorite night fishing bait other than that spinnerbaits buzzbaits and chatterbaits all work wonders on 2-4 maybe a 5lb bass here and there but to really get the toad to eat at night nothing beats a big bulky jig with a black brush hog or another big bulky trailer or an occasional swimbait from my personal for fun i would go spinnerbait/ buzzbait for numbers usually but i normally stick with my big guns and get rewarded with bigger fish! just my opinion try all of the above see what works : )

Id listen to him! might know sumthin bout sumthin!
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