New pontoon!

I recently bought a pontoon boat on craigslist. After using the boat a few times I realized that the 7 and half foot pontoons were too short, and did not have the load carrying ability I needed. I looked around again on cl, and found 10 foot maxxon pontoon for $450. I put the frame from the previous smaller toon on the new tubes and it is a beautiful thing! Great river fishing boat all for under $550! Great Deal Great Customer service! Now I need longer oars 7.5 to 8 feet. Looking forward to getting the water, and slaying the chrome!

I am also looking for partners to fish and float with!
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Fun times ahead

Fun times ahead

Ohhh,now you've done it! :rolleyes: Gone and gotten a magic carpet to ply the rivers and lakes with.:clap: Your life will not be the same now. :naughty: You will see yourself on your magic carpet every night in your dreams. You have done a great thing for furthering your fishing ability. Congrats and enjoy!:dance:
Pontoon boats are so much fun! welcome to a new addiction. I've got my frame out being repaird at the moment. Broke a weld on the Titan River in september. Hoping to have it back next week. Any time you want to go fish or float let me know. I usualy have fri-sun off. Well when I'm not doing the honey do list anyway.
What rivers do you run in the winter?

I have a 10.5' toon I got last summer, but I havent used it in the cold weather yet.
There is a group of us that run the upper Clack at about 2200cfs. we usualy drop fire wood at about the half way mark for a litte warm up. We ran from power house down through Carter bridge last winter in the snow. It was absolutly spectacular. This is a fun float for the EXPERIENCED and PROPERLY EQUIPED. Fishing and floating I run from Mcgiver down, as well as the Wilson. I am still some what of a rookie, so I like to explore rivers with others that already know a river for the first time. I am looking forward to running the upper Sandy, as well as the Alsea. Another fun float and fish for the experienced is the Klickatat in Wa from the hatchery down. That one is probably buried in snow right now, it is more of a late spring early summer deal.
I want to do the North Santaiam, Nestucca, clack, wilson. I would like to run anything. Just looking for people to paddle with. I am free most days to do a float if anybody is interested.
As soon as I get my frame back we will set up a float. I am with you don't care where I go. Just want to go float with people, and check out new places.
keep your eyes open on Craigs list. other than that I would recommend Andy and backs here in portland. is the best resource online that I know of . I am sure there are other resources these are just the two that I use . hope this helps out .
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I dropped my toon in the nestucca last year, stayed mostly in the bay though (we were crabbing from yaks and my toon)
it was a great time, lil too much wind though.
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