Need tips and help please....

okay soo im going be going to Lake Shasta in california in about a week or so...i would like some tips please=3...never fished in a deep lake like this b4 soo are some list of fishes i got from the web sites...For the fisherman, there are varieties of fish in Lake Shasta, which include: rainbow trout, brown trout, chinook salmon, largemouth bass, spotted bass, smallmouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, carp, Sacramento sucker, Sacramento squawfish, riffle sculpin, black fish, hardhead minnow, white sturgeon, channel squawfish, threadfin shad, white catfish, brown bullhead, golden shiner and green sunfish.The basses and trout are the most frequently caught by anglers. o yeah another thing iv never fished of a boat b4!!!!:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:......soo yeah tips on fishing these guys and fishing off of a boat...i have a 40 lbs pound tested power braided line.....with a 10 mono diameter..according to the diwa bait casting is 12/150, ...soo about 170 yards of line? not sure....and ill be using a 10 lbs mono leader......ill edit more when more stuff comes to my mind...and sorrie if you dont understand me..i know i have bad grammer
Congrats for scoring an outing to such a great lake! I don't really have any tips,but, can tell you that last week when I drove through the area I was amazed at how full the lake was. It is fuller than I've seen it in years! I would suggest staying around 50-100 feet from shore as there are a lot of tree trunks and cover for trout and bass. The low water during the past 5 years has shown a lot of cover fairly close to shore. Have a great time and be sure to let us know the outcome.
thanks for the heads up...kinda sucks its full=[...but i just hop i catch some hogs and post it up =3!!!
well i would get a flasher and diver set up goin, with rapalas, plugs and wedding rings. (wish i could draw it for you, maybe you can find what the set up looks life....i think we need a little "pant shoip"option, it would be so nice to draw what the heck we are talking about sometimes.) but ya you need to locate the water temps to see where the fish will be hanging out, but the only way to do that is to drop a line down and get it wet!!! good luck oh ya, troll with a verying speed while doing s patterns in the water...sometimes the go and slow and fast will get a strike!!
Look for those big land locked salmon!

Colby could give u some bass pointers if he see's this.

sorry i can't be much more help
I used to fish Shasta a lot, right now is prime trout trolling time! Always did well for trout in the Sacremento arm, fall river arm, the main lake and Halfway cove. Cali has been getting hammered with rain so a lot of the lake may be muddy. Most troll flashers and small lure combo's for the rainbow and salmon. We always did well fishing at night for channel cats in the summer but I can't say what the fishing for them would be like in march. not sure if we are having a down rigger...or anything like that and im pretty much on a super duper low budget!!!=[.....and for got to add we will be on a house boat! hope fully i dont get boat sick =[ that would suck if i did....and i might buy some rapalas and and wedding rings....
@throbbit_shane....hopefully ill be able to catch one of those guys!!!i would love to catch one=3
and @ mad dog..i was just planning to aim for those spotted bass and trouts...any other types of fish is a plus....just as long as i dont get skunk
kenjimua said: not sure if we are having a down rigger...or anything like that and im pretty much on a super duper low budget!!!=[.....and for got to add we will be on a house boat! hope fully i dont get boat sick =[ that would suck if i did....and i might buy some rapalas and and wedding rings....
@throbbit_shane....hopefully ill be able to catch one of those guys!!!i would love to catch one=3
and @ mad dog..i was just planning to aim for those spotted bass and trouts...any other types of fish is a plus....just as long as i dont get skunk

i fish shasta about a dozen times a year mostly in tournaments, for bass theyre probubly biting pretty decent right now and the easiest baits to get bit on would be small plastics 3.5" dry creek tubes, mothers finest worms rigged on a dropshot rig, splitshotted, or darterheaded you can probubly get a reaction bit eearly and late or if there is cloud cover on lucky craft staysee ripbaits or some crankbait fish im sure they would eat a hula grub or a football jig also.... IMO- ditch the braid or use a looong fluoro leader i havent been to shasta since janaury but the bite is sooooo super tough the mroe finesse you make your rigs the better so avoid braid and other high vis lines use light fluoro carbon if you can for the finesse fishing applications and same goes for the raqction type stuff too.... as for trout i dont know much but i always seem to get most of my accidental trout catches in the mccloud arm while im bass fishing there is some really big trout in there especially the ones you get by accident on bass tackle, when i get them theyre normally on tubes, dartheads or ripbaits but i know certain things work better they troll mostly artificial baits that i have seen i doubt color matters as much as a good spot would.... try the mouths of creeks coming into the lake for trout too with this rain they like to get right up in that creek water- same with big bass soemtimes.....

house boating shasta is a blast ...!!!!!

one last thing there is some big catfish in that lake if you find yourself in the pit river arm across from silverthorne marina throw out a chunk of hotdog and anchor some of that braid to the boat chances are you will be yanking in a big catfish by the time you wake up! its awesome!

hope that helps :)
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T_T i just buaght the braid and just spooled it...ill switch later on the year when i have more money...or ill switch it on a spinning rod...since i plan to bring a spinning set up as well just in case if my original rod doesn't want to corporate with me....and im planning to fish for catfish as well =D! i want to catch a hog!!=D!!! and ummm ill might be buying those football jig and hula grub,...mabey a few jigs and crank baits just to test it out as well.......also i think i remember reading that the mouth of those creeks are close?..not sure as well i was half asleep while reading it...
kenjimua said:
T_T i just buaght the braid and just spooled it...ill switch later on the year when i have more money...or ill switch it on a spinning rod...since i plan to bring a spinning set up as well just in case if my original rod doesn't want to corporate with me....and im planning to fish for catfish as well =D! i want to catch a hog!!=D!!! and ummm ill might be buying those football jig and hula grub,...mabey a few jigs and crank baits just to test it out as well.......also i think i remember reading that the mouth of those creeks are close?..not sure as well i was half asleep while reading it...

close?? like closed? i wouldnt think so i mean like mountain streams coming into the back of coves/cuts theres no way to really close them haha!
the streams themselves maybe closed but the lake where they come in should be open.
yeah the lake its self is open
if you are going to fish where the creeks and rivers come in.. i mean close to them not in the really deep spots.. try spinnners or worms
wormx forsure...spinners i still buy buy including fluorocarbon line for thee other set up on my other fishing pole and as for my leader...btw what would you guys reconmend for my pound test? i was thinking of going to 10lbs

*edit* what hook size should i be using for this lake??O.0 totally forgot about that

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