Need help please reply

i have posted a lot today but pleas dont get mad. Ok so i havent been abel to go fishing latly until wendsday when are fishing club is going to blue lake. But every time i come on to the fourm i get ancer and ancer to go fishing. On sunday some neibors want us to go to dabney park with them for a barbacue now i know there is a swimming place every one goes to but if im remembering corectly the sandy river flows by and no one swims there so i wanted to no if any of you knew anything of fish being there. Thanks:)
yes... there is a really good steelhead section on the upper part of the park past the disk golf course it is a long, flat, straight, fairly shallow part of the river but holds fish on the far bank if you can cast over to it.. if water is low enough wade over to the island at the VERY top of the park up past the disk golf course, it is at the beginning of the spot i just talked about and fish the bend, fish stack up in the eddy... in the main/lower part of the park you can cross the little stream and go to the main island to access the river and there is great water to fish for steelhead and some chinook holes all the way from the rapids at the bottom of the straight stretch i talked about down to the boat ramp.. Also try fishing like 10 feet off the bank just below the boat ramp all the way down to the stark street bridge, it is a real good slot there that a lot of people pass up or don't know about..

The whole park is fishable and worth going after.. with this clearer water we have right now.. dont go to big or too bright with anything..
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thank you im really exited but all i have is trout rods ): do you think i could get stel head with that are there any other fish there like crappie or trout?
there is 'trout' but they are really salmon/steelhead smolt and Sandy is catch and release only for 'trout'... you can catch a summer steelhead on trout gear(as long as it isn't like a 1-4 ultralight) if your running like 6lb test line and you don't try to horse the fish in like it was a trout or something and let your drag loose enough to play the fish until it is tired and can be brought in.. if you hook a springer... it will just snap your line right off haha...
Don't forget to pick up your salmon/steelhead tag if you haven't already. I'm pretty sure kids still need a tag to fish for salmon/steelhead.
im not evan at the age where i need a juvenill licence when im 14 i need that so one year away
I'm aware of that but the Sandy isn't open to trout fishing right now I don't think. I'm pretty sure it opens memorial day weekend. If its closed than even for a juvenile you will need to pick up a tag. Not sure of the cost but I know you will need one to fish for salmon/steelhead, sturgeon or halibut in Oregon. I just don't want to see you get a hefty fine because you didn't have the required paperwork.
thanks say i caught but i dident keep would i need tags for that?
Yes, you need your tag to even fish for them.
ok i dont have tags but you dont need tags for crappie well im fishing for crappie i acedintally catch a trout i just throw it back without getting in torubole right?
there is no warmwater fish in the sandy...
ohhh sorry im stupid lol thank you guys for the help
i just looked at the regulations which u should too zarboth :D

looks like if your 13 and younger you can fish for free in this state :) but i think u may still have to sign up or something, may want to look into it

If u accidentally catch a trout id keep it and eat it, depenping where u are
sooo no need for tags and where cani look at regulations the odwf web site is so cluttered
There are no crappie in the Sandy. In fact there are very few trout, just a lot of salmon and steelhead. To fish in the Sandy River right now you HAVE to have your tag. I'm pretty sure the only species you can even legally fish for right now in there are salmon and steelhead.
page 3 and 4 in the book, i have a few of them. so im not sure about the site... lol
trout fishing doesn't open for Catch and Release until May 22 on the Sandy.. regardless of age..

and to fish for salmon and steelhead you have to have a tag.. regardless of age..

"All anglers, regardless of age, need in possession a valid Combined Angling Tag to angle for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or Pacific
halibut. Anglers may purchase only one Combined Angling Tag (authorizing harvest of 20 salmon or steelhead) per year. Any
salmon or steelhead may be recorded on the Combined Angling Tag."


Lakes: 5 per day,
2 daily limits in
Streams: catch
and release only,
except as noted
under Special

• Angling restricted to artificial flies and lures in streams. See exceptions
under Special Regulations where use of bait is allowed.
• 8-inch minimum length.
• Only 1 trout over 20 inches in length may be taken per day.
• Rainbow trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead in streams.
• Closed to angling for bull trout.
• Kokanee included in trout limits except as noted under Special

Lakes: Open all
Streams: Open
May 22-Oct. 31
see Special
Regulations for this
zone and Willamette
Zone map on pages
46-47 for streams
that are open
April 24-Oct. 31.

Sandy River (Multnomah/Clack. Co.):
1. Mainstem and tributaries upstream
to ODFW markers at the mouth of
Salmon River
• Open for adipose fin-clipped steelhead entire year.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon Feb. 1-Oct. 31.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped coho salmon entire year.
• Closed within 200 feet of Chinook salmon spawning areas located in Oxbow Park
where posted by ODFW markers Sept. 16-Nov. 15.
• No angling from a floating device upstream from a point that is 200 feet below the
Oxbow Park boat ramp.
• Use of bait allowed.
2. Mainstem and tributaries upstream
from ODFW markers at the mouth of
Salmon River, including the Salmon
• Open to steelhead July 1-Aug. 31.
• Angling restricted to artificial flies and lures with a single point hook no larger than 1/2
inch gap (size 1) and multiple point hook no larger than 3/8 inch gap (size 4).
• No limit on size or number of brook trout taken. Catch limits on other trout species do
not apply to brook trout.
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ok egg has some proof i guess i can look up prices for tags ):
Throbbit _Shane said:
i just looked at the regulations which u should too zarboth :D

looks like if your 13 and younger you can fish for free in this state :) but i think u may still have to sign up or something, may want to look into it

If u accidentally catch a trout id keep it and eat it, depenping where u are

You are right but kids still need to get a tag to fish for Steelhead. The Sandy is CLOSED to trout fishing until memorial day weekend. Here it is in the regulations

"Licenses, Tags and Permits:
1. Licenses, tags and permits can be obtained at license agents throughout the state of Oregon, via the Internet (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
online_license_sales/index.asp), or through the headquarters office in Salem by mail, fax, or in person.
2. State and federal laws require a Social Security Number to obtain most hunting and fishing licenses.
3. All persons 14 years or older must have in possession a valid Oregon angling license to angle for or take or assist another in angling
for or taking of any fish for personal use, except:
• During “Free Fishing Weekend” (June 12-13, 2010) when no license or tag is required;
• When taking smelt, crayfish, or bullfrogs;
• Oregon resident landowners and members of their immediate family may angle for fish on land they own and reside upon;
• When angling in the Pacific Ocean within 3 miles of shore between Cape Falcon, Oregon and Leadbetter Point, Washington
either a resident Washington license or an Oregon license is valid. Persons other than Washington residents must have a valid
Oregon license to land fish in Oregon which were caught in the ocean.
4. All persons 14 years or older must have in possession a valid Oregon shellfish license to take any shellfish for personal use,
• During “Free Fishing Weekend” (June 12-13, 2010) when no license is required;
• When taking crayfish;
• Oregon resident landowners and members of their immediate family may take shellfish on land they own and reside upon.
5. All anglers, regardless of age, need in possession a valid Combined Angling Tag to angle for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or Pacific
halibut. Anglers may purchase only one Combined Angling Tag (authorizing harvest of 20 salmon or steelhead) per year. Any
salmon or steelhead may be recorded on the Combined Angling Tag.

6. Anglers may purchase multiple Hatchery Harvest Tags to record adipose or otherwise fin-clipped salmon or adipose fin-clipped
steelhead harvested, in lieu of recording those fish on the Combined Angling Tag. Only adipose or otherwise fin-clipped salmon or
adipose fin-clipped steelhead may be recorded on the Hatchery Harvest Tag.
Licenses, Tags and Permits - Fish Fee Qualifications
Resident Annual Licenses:
Angling License* $33.00 • See also, definition

So in order for him to fish in the Sandy River when it is CLOSED to trout fishing he WILL need a tag!
the tag is cheap ($10 or $12)... and should last you throughout the year
if you fish on the Washington side you need an endorsement for the Columbia and ALL of its tributaries (8.95 for non residents I think)

good luck out there man, let us know if you catch anything.

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