Near Seaside

Got tired of not catchin steel so I went to the ocean. Got this nice perch with a pink grub on a 1/4 oz head. Cast off some rocks for 10 min. Moved around the head to a huge pool that the surf funnels past. Outgoing tide and I felt bump bump, fish on. Ran around a bit in the tide surge then pulled it out and up. Fun little fighters, and so tasty!

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Nice fish. I'm glad to know that they are still out there, I keep missing them.

Nice fish.
Nice fish! i love fishing for surf perch especially pile perch much bigger and beautiful looking their so fun and abundant when high tides comes in. Once the weather start to be little warmer i will head out there to catch those fish for dinner.

Looks familiar!
skunk said:
Got tired of not catchin steel so I went to the ocean.

We did the same thing.

Not bad for our first time surf fishing! Haha
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Nice job, I love fishing in the ocean. There are such a variety of fish and locations. And its almost all uncrowded.
Yeah. We are about to head out right now, camp, and spend tomorrow fishing.

We'll probably fish off Del Ray again, not too far north of Seaside. :dance:
Do you catch right of the sand beaches? I have never been successful there, always seem to do better of rock outcrops of some sort. But I really want to catch of the beach areas. Any suggestions?
Yep, we fish right off the sand. Del Ray, you can drive out on the beach, back up near the water, and fish! It never takes long to get a bite.

Caught another Perch today. Pictures coming!
wake.joe said:
Yep, we fish right off the sand. Del Ray, you can drive out on the beach, back up near the water, and fish! It never takes long to get a bite.

Caught another Perch today. Pictures coming!

What bait do you use? I have tried clam necks and shrimp with no luck.

Gulp "Saltwater" Shrimp. The Natural color. I forget the hook size, though. :(


This guy was twice the size of the last one I posted in this thread. Good meat. :D
Thanks, I'll look some up and maybe try it this weekend.

It's a lot of fun. Del Ray is the beach directly north of Gearhart.

I haven't figured it all out yet, though. I use a lot of line, and let the ocean take it until the reel is empty. Real it in a few times, then let it sit. The ocean will pull the line tight, then let it slack, over and over. Eventually, I real in, and there's a fish!

It kind of feels like the fish don't grab on until you're reeling in, though. So you might try a different "Technique"
Yeah it is just north of Gearhart. There should be signs on HYW 101 to the beach access. Also you can drive on to the beach at Gearhart and head north till you reach the next beach drive on access which is Del Ray.

I have a couple recent pictures of Del Ray I will try and post tonight when I am not at work. If you go to my profile and look at my profile picture you will see Del Ray at sunset.

Man I would love to try and surf fish but never have because I do not want to buy another fishing pole. Last time I was in Seaside I tried to fish off the rocks at the far south end of town where all the surfers hang out. I heard from a guy that there where Sea Trout. I kept on snagging because I could not get it out there far enough.

I guess profile pictures are only seen by the profile user unless you have my password.

I posted pictures in Community My Albums under Del ray
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I caught mine on a pink grub tail with a 1/4 oz head. I usually find rocks to fish near as I've never had luck of the sand. With a jig I just fish it like for bass. Also I use bait, sand shrimp, off the jetties and have good success. Just be prepared to lose gear. No need to buy an expensive rod fishtales, mine is a $20 special with cheapo rod from Ollie Damon's in portland. I clean the real good after use and keep lots of bearing grease on the metal parts. Its just a 7' rod, nothing great but I catch fish so I'm happy. The sea is hard on stuff so that's why i use a cheap setup.
Mighty Nice Perch Bro's...:)

Lustrums ago i surf fished fairly often around Moss Landing, CA & the mouth of the Salinas River fer Striped Bass, or anything we could catch. For bait we mostly used Pileworms, Bloodworms, squid, sand crabs.

skunk said:
I caught mine on a pink grub tail with a 1/4 oz head. I usually find rocks to fish near as I've never had luck of the sand. With a jig I just fish it like for bass. Also I use bait, sand shrimp, off the jetties and have good success. Just be prepared to lose gear. No need to buy an expensive rod fishtales, mine is a $20 special with cheapo rod from Ollie Damon's in portland. I clean the real good after use and keep lots of bearing grease on the metal parts. Its just a 7' rod, nothing great but I catch fish so I'm happy. The sea is hard on stuff so that's why i use a cheap setup.

So, on the Jetty, is it normal to lose gear EVERY cast? We had tried that first, but just got so frustrated losing gear faster than we bought it! A friend suggested just straight off the sand, so we went for it and have had luck each time we've tried so far.
Any advice? :)
You will lose a bit I would say I lost mabye ever 15th cast. Its easiest on an outgoing tide as then the gear is pulled away from the rocks. I tried pyramid sinkers but they wedge too easy, then tried setting up similar to drift fishing, I think it might be a fish finder rig. Put the 1/4 hollow core lead, or slinkies at the end of the line, then I did one hook on a leader up about 12-18" on a 12-16" leader. This way the lead hits first and can be pulled off without loosing the rig. Alternatively you can put the weight on a leader that is attached to a swivel, use lighter leader to the weight and it will brake leaving the swivel and hook on the main line. Also I put some small eye hooks in old golf balls and am going to try these, hopefully they bounce off the rocks better.
This thread is AWESOME. Thanks to everyone for the tips and words of wisdom. We are heading to Seaside from 3/19 - 3/24 and I plan on fishing as much as the wife will let me. Our place is 1 block from the beach, so I'm definitely going to try surf fishing for some Perch. Keep the advice coming please, thanks! I'll let you know how I do and post pictures of anything worthwhile when I get back.

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