My 1st salmon FINALLY!

Just got my first salmon EVER today. Got a monster buck at Cedar Creek. Bad picture its from my cell phone. 16 pound HAWG! Caught it at sunrise with bobber and some eggs. Hooked another right after but my line snapped. I didn't know you had to change your leader in between, guess the first one kinda shredded it.
Way to go man!
Too bad you had to learn about changing your leader after every fish the hard way. At the very least run your fingers up the line and feel for nicks in the line after every snag or fish.
:clap:"Are you gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite" Reservoir dogs???
And ya every one I know has been Killin skunks like crazy!!:dance::clap::dance::clap::dance:
Hell yea man way to go!!! I did the same thing the other day on a fish... line was nicked a lil but thought it would be ok.... I was wrong!
Congrats on your first salmon! and a BIG one at that! I'll be tickled pink even if my first salmon is a jack!:clap::clap::dance::dance:
nice fish, wait until you actually catch a 40 lb. hog, it will make that 16 lb'r look like a minnow lol... nice fish all the same bro
Rains are coming

Rains are coming

The weather guy saying rain coming. Starting tuesday and every day after that through next weekend. If that happens all the skunks will be
Thank you

Thank you

You guys don't know how bad ass it is to have a bunch of experienced fishermen telling you good job, especially for a rookie like me. THANKS OFF!!!!
I'm going again Monday mornin if anyone else is I'll be down by the house just down stream from the slaughter hole. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!;)
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Nice fish!

I haven't caught a Salmon this year (except the bagillion i caught in AK, but those don't count) so i need to kill the skunk too.
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