Mckenzie gives one up

Fished the Mckenzie near Leaburg today. Found a 26" fish on a #5 Black Blue Fox spinner. Not many people fishing up there today. Didn't see any other fish, and felt pretty lucky to put one on the bank.
Nice one. You lucky %*& i am at work :(
Nice fish, as long as your fishing and puttin your time in its a reward not luck keep up the good work.
Nice fish there man! And with a #5 BlueFox? Wow. Most spinner guys I know go small/dark for summer water, but hey, if it works, stick with it. Do you leave the treble hooks on or go siwash? When I first took to spinner fishing I threw nothing but Foxes. I know there's lots of folks out there who curse the things, but I've had decent success with them. However, I will say that Kodiak's TCO spinners feel mighty nice and are a cut above the foxes in my opinion.
Johnny Southpaw said:
Nice fish there man! And with a #5 BlueFox? Wow. Most spinner guys I know go small/dark for summer water, but hey, if it works, stick with it. Do you leave the treble hooks on or go siwash? When I first took to spinner fishing I threw nothing but Foxes. I know there's lots of folks out there who curse the things, but I've had decent success with them. However, I will say that Kodiak's TCO spinners feel mighty nice and are a cut above the foxes in my opinion.

If what you think of cut is what I think of cut... TCO's will rip those things up (homemades will too if they are balanced, unlike BFs)! :D
Well I hooked probably 5 steelhead this summer on blue foxes, that was in between being out of my R&Bs!! The blue foxes work fine if that is all you have or can afford. Although most custom spinners are cheaper than blue foxes and work much better.
Way to go on the fish! Was it hard to keep a #5 from snagging a lot up there?
I been using number 3's and 4's.. and the 4's been hanging up a lot.
everyone hates blue foxes....I dont get it. I have caught plenty of fish on BF's.

Dont get me wrong I have been twisting my own lately, much more balanced. Not to mention you can tune them on the river if you leave enough exposed wire. Oh and reason numero uno they are much cheaper.

But the way I (and most seasoned guys I have seen) run a spinner is just like a drift rig, no retrieve just free drifting. It seems like if it is just drifting and tapping bottom here and there it wouldnt matter if it is balanced or not.

The main problem I have seen with the blue fox is that the loops are a P instead of an O.

But some of the spinners I see guys twist up have much worse loops than the BF, yet they still kill fish.


who knows
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Whats wrong with Blue Foxes?
If they catch fish, theres nothing wrong with them.
Troutier Bassier said:
Whats wrong with Blue Foxes?
If they catch fish, theres nothing wrong with them.

You havent caught a steelhead though... :D
I've never had much luck with blue foxes for steel, but I toss 'em at Fall Coho on Siltcoos with pretty regular success, but those fish will attack just about anything that you put in front of their noses. I had a few #4's in my bag last time I was up there on the Mac and thought they were huge lol, but a #5?! good job with that one.

I really don't run spinners much in low snaggy water 'cause my anger management becomes an issue when I lose $50 worth of spinners in a couple hours, so you won't see me with spinners up there much, but they do work. Blue foxes may not be the best, but, ya know, who cares? they work. You take what you get and make it work.
Beauty! Nice work!!!!!!!! ...I'm jealous.;)
Had a great time myself today on the Mac, saw a few Large dark fish jump full out (or was it the same one ) in the same part of the hole we were at. I went with a friend and two lady friends and we tossed every thing at em between us, I used the blue and silver #4 fox for a bit and felt it would be the one, tried some other colors, pink, orange, tried my black and brown micro jig set up and then remembered I had a custom lure from the guy out in Florence (forgot his name, anyone know him or where to get his stuff?), this one was about 5 multi colored beads with a black blade. \by then it was 6pm they were all on there "last cast' so I said I am going back to where I was swimming earlier for my "last cast" and that was the one. this fish grabbed ahold hard, almost thought I had a log or something, I fought this thing for 15min and it showed no sign of wearing out. when it was close enough to spot it was Large. at least 30 inches and fat. not sure if it was a tough stealhead or a larger chinook, but from my experience the salmon have never fought that hard for me... any ideas what it could be. my companions thought it was at least 20# and seemd fatter than the one on this thread. even though we had pizza for dinner it was still a very fun experience.
Cascade said:
a custom lure from the guy out in Florence (forgot his name, anyone know him or where to get his stuff?)

Dean Hendricks, North Country Lures and Flies outta Florence? (Welcome to North Country Lures & Flies) I've talked to him a number of times while out on Siltcoos chasing Coho, and have a handful of his lures he gave me. His wife makes most of them lol. He's out fishing while she's twisting spinners. He also is on the Siuslaw quite often, imagine that lol.

Right on with the fish. I'd say it's probably a large steelie, There's some residual Chinook in there, but this late in the season, I'd say they likely wouldn't put up much of a fight, they're all on their way to being rotting carcasses. You'd be surprised at how large some of the summer fish can get, granted they are usually smaller than the winter fish, but the guy at the hatchery was tellin' me they've been getting quite a few four and even some five salt fish...those are gonna be some biggens.
A 30 inch steelhead weighs around 10 lbs give or take so a 20 lb steelhead is around 40 inches or longer, not to say you didn't hook a monster but it would have to be a lot bigger than 30 inches! I lost one the other day and have a few pictures of it in the water that was pushing 40 inches, so they are in there! Good job.

A good way to get weight from a steelhead is: A 24 inch steelhead weighs around 4 lbs and you add a pound per inch from here. It works pretty well from testing the numbers to actual fish we have caught and weighed.
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steelhead_stalkers said:
A 30 inch steelhead weighs around 10 lbs give or take so a 20 lb steelhead is around 40 inches or longer, not to say you didn't hook a monster but it would have to be a lot bigger than 30 inches! I lost one the other day and have a few pictures of it in the water that was pushing 40 inches, so they are in there! Good job.

A good way to get weight from a steelhead is: A 24 inch steelhead weighs around 4 lbs and you add a pound per inch from here. It works pretty well from testing the numbers to actual fish we have caught and weighed.
Not always true though, you will get the occasional fatty. I had a 28 incher winter before last that was 13.5 pounds, but i'd say for the norm...that equation sounds about right.
FishSchooler said:
You havent caught a steelhead though... :D

I landed my first steelhead of the year last weekend on a all black #3 Blue Fox. I agree, that TCO's and other customs are superior, but try picking one up at Bi-mart! For me, when it comes to availability and selection they are more than sufficient.
adambomb said:
I landed my first steelhead of the year last weekend on a all black #3 Blue Fox. I agree, that TCO's and other customs are superior, but try picking one up at Bi-mart! For me, when it comes to availability and selection they are more than sufficient.

I do have a few BFs, but they are for trout because I only build Nook/Coho/Steel spinners cause those prime materials would be a waste for dinker trout at Hagg lake! :D
Wouldent be a waste for Brooders would it?
Troutier Bassier said:
Wouldent be a waste for Brooders would it?

You have less chance catching a brooder than a steelhead.

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