Fished the Mckenzie near Leaburg today. Found a 26" fish on a #5 Black Blue Fox spinner. Not many people fishing up there today. Didn't see any other fish, and felt pretty lucky to put one on the bank.
Johnny Southpaw said:Nice fish there man! And with a #5 BlueFox? Wow. Most spinner guys I know go small/dark for summer water, but hey, if it works, stick with it. Do you leave the treble hooks on or go siwash? When I first took to spinner fishing I threw nothing but Foxes. I know there's lots of folks out there who curse the things, but I've had decent success with them. However, I will say that Kodiak's TCO spinners feel mighty nice and are a cut above the foxes in my opinion.
Troutier Bassier said:Whats wrong with Blue Foxes?
If they catch fish, theres nothing wrong with them.
Cascade said:a custom lure from the guy out in Florence (forgot his name, anyone know him or where to get his stuff?)
Not always true though, you will get the occasional fatty. I had a 28 incher winter before last that was 13.5 pounds, but i'd say for the norm...that equation sounds about right.steelhead_stalkers said:A 30 inch steelhead weighs around 10 lbs give or take so a 20 lb steelhead is around 40 inches or longer, not to say you didn't hook a monster but it would have to be a lot bigger than 30 inches! I lost one the other day and have a few pictures of it in the water that was pushing 40 inches, so they are in there! Good job.
A good way to get weight from a steelhead is: A 24 inch steelhead weighs around 4 lbs and you add a pound per inch from here. It works pretty well from testing the numbers to actual fish we have caught and weighed.
FishSchooler said:You havent caught a steelhead though...![]()
adambomb said:I landed my first steelhead of the year last weekend on a all black #3 Blue Fox. I agree, that TCO's and other customs are superior, but try picking one up at Bi-mart! For me, when it comes to availability and selection they are more than sufficient.
Troutier Bassier said:Wouldent be a waste for Brooders would it?