LookOut 2-19-2010 no keepers but--

Air Temp at 8:00—30 Degrees
Air Temp at 12:00—54 Degrees
Water Temp—42 Degrees
Lake—Light wind and chop
Lake is 90.36 below full
Ramp is in very good shape

What a beautiful day at LookOut Point.
No keepers but when cares when the sun is out?
I launch at 8 and got three small Chinooks by the ramp off of a gold spoon.
I then headed down to the dam and got four more Chinooks off of red power bait.
Since I have three meals in the deep freeze I released them as they was about 10 inches long.

Good day to be out-sun felt great!
I think that the Red and White open bow boat is jamisonace but then again I could be wrong.
Beautiful pics BRO.

Looks like a Wonderful Day.


Is that you parked at bottom of ramp?

Didn't the folks in red & white boat say Howdy?

Do you think the water level will come up 90' this year?

Have a Beautiful, Safe Weekend in Good Health Bro...
Yeah, that was me and Watchouttrout trying for some chinooks. We should have stopped to say hi to bd2cool but I wasn't sure about interrupting their trolling. Never saw a hatch of insects so the flyrod didn't fare so well but it was a beautiful day and we did manage 1. The wind stopped later in the day and it got pretty warm out there on the water. I can't imagine a better use of my time on a day like today than being out on the water fishing.
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Glad to see you out there jamisonace!
I am always happy to say hi.
With the light wind and chop it was not a good day for fly-for me the bite died off around 11 o'clock.
Are you going to make it to the LookOut Point fish OFF? March the 27th-Hope that you can make it.

Hey Hawk-that my black GMC Serra pick up.
I am thinking that it will be full by late April.
I could probably make it for the fish off. Sounds like fun. I'll have to grab watchouttrout and figure out how to catch fish up there before then.
Glad to see you out there jamisonace!
I am always happy to say hi.
With the light wind and chop it was not a good day for fly-for me the bite died off around 11 o'clock.
Are you going to make it to the LookOut Point fish OFF? March the 27th-Hope that you can make it.

Hey Hawk-that my black GMC Serra pick up.
I am thinking that it will be full by late April.

Well, it's a good deal you didn't have to walk far up the ramp to your truck.



Good day out too bad about the wind somehow i had to glass days in a row. Yeah the bugs were on the water in the evening on a glass day. You were in the right area where they were at though. Deffinantly make it to the fish off gonna be a blast. And the parking lot isn't too far my dog loves to run up to it chasing the rig after long hours in the boat(i wouldn't do it).
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