Little Fall Creek 12-3-2009

I've been out to the Siuslaw looking for winters for a solid month with nothing to show for it. Decided to head east and look for some slow and low water, and ended up on Little Fall Creek. Got to a great hole and threw a few jigs under a float, nuthin...then I tried a corky and some coho eggs i got from siltcoos and caught and released some beautiful cutts. Finally My frozen fingers were telling me it was time to go home, but not before I threw on the big chartreuse loud spinner, and third cast WHAM!! Tug o' war with a beautiful summer steel!
As i was rinsing the fish off for one last pic before going home to meet the smoker, it gave a good shake and slowly left my numb frozen hands, back to the bottom of the hole...Fair enough;)....
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Those are some beautiful cutts!! Nice summer fish too. Gotta bonk 'em quick, they're crafty lol
Good job man those are some nice fish. I never fish lfc as much as I should. I grew up swimming and bbqing up there and there are some good holes when the water level is right. I was up there at the end of summer and it was way down. I feel in with my waders this spring trying to cross above the waterfall. Have you ever tried to fish above were you got that summer at? Also that spot if you can get across to the trees there are always some good lures to be found.
I have been a few miles above that spot, the first few pics are from upstream past the Wayerhauser gate. Found a couple of very nice holes somewhere out there, but I haven't been back out that far. Never been across that one spot, and there are a few nice lures hangin in those trees right now. Unfortunately, I helped decorate it:confused:
There is a cool fishladder 10 miles up. I was wondering about the first few pics. I regonized 2 of the holes you were at that explaines why i didn't know the others. Haven't been up past the gate much. Maybe twice in the last few years. Last time the locked us in but we had a torch and a prybar so we left the gate wide open with the broken lock in the middle of the road. The guys drove by and waved as we we fishing up there and never mentioned that they were the last ones down. I am suprissed that you got a summer that low but that is one of the deeper pools on the way up past it its seem there is a lot of shallow water. maybe he was waiting for these rains we got and started moving up again. If you decide to go back up i wouldn't mind tagging along. I usually use my trout rod a cast lures but haven't got any steel yet out of lfc.
I wouldn't mind checking that creek out more upstream. I think I hooked into this same summer about a week ago in the same hole, and its been there ever since.. seems like they get trapped in that spot cause theres such shallow water for the next few miles upriver.. I'll definitely let you know if I go back out there anytime soon. Not too sure when that will be, but I was freezing out there...I did notice that lfc stayed waay clearer than any of the other rivers a couple of weeks back when we had all the rain, so I think it should make for a nice alternitave in the winter. Its hard to decide if I want to go west to the slaw or east to go scout out this creek....
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Yeah if you were scouting the creek than that is the same spot that we prefered to swim because of the rope swing. I remember when the was a mud mound to keep people from driving down the trail. Now the got a whole camp thing going on up there. Scott used to make us wait to swim until he could get a few casts in. I'm going to head up there tomorrow and check it out. Even though those fish have been in the system for a while i bet they would smoke up good unless they are just big river snakes then i'll toss em back.
Yea man that fish was a lottle soggy but I woulda threw it on the grill without a doubt..I bet that same fish is in that hole waiting to meet you.. Let me know how you do, if I don't get called to work I might head out that way. Late morning or early afternoon.
tbox said:
Yea man that fish was a lottle soggy but I woulda threw it on the grill without a doubt..I bet that same fish is in that hole waiting to meet you.. Let me know how you do, if I don't get called to work I might head out that way. Late morning or early afternoon.

I'll be with bfishin(got that jack at siltcoos that day) and we will be in a white jeep off sticker in the back window. not sure about going up past the gate but will be there in the afternoon until dark.
Coulndt make it out today, look forward to seeing how you guys did.. I found some other cool pictures of the creek that I'll post later..
Man those were some gorgeous cutts! Way to go! :clap:
Thuggin4Life said:
I'll be with bfishin(got that jack at siltcoos that day) and we will be in a white jeep off sticker in the back window. not sure about going up past the gate but will be there in the afternoon until dark.

thats funny i seen u guys at bimart. someone was buyin a new rod it looked like.. i seen the sticker in the back of the jeep tho..
Shoulda said hi. Brandon needed a new steelhead rod and i needed a new combo since the salt screwed up the reel on my steelhead rod and it was small for umpqua plunking. went to walmart bimart dicks and bimart again. dicks had a rod for 20 more than bimart. now i have a new plunking rod /reel and put the reel from my trout rod on my drifting rod so i wont have to keep changing the line. need a new/smaller trout rod anyways. Got a couple lures today but lost 1. Fished a few holes below the gate then found some new ones above and ended up at the ladder. need to get a bike and fish above the gate next year. no fish tossed lures mostly. did get to where te road was white with frozen moister. temp 26*.
Does the elevation go up any on that road? I might go drive out there sometime but with 26* id just to go take pictures and get lost for a bit.. On the map it looks like you can kinda loop back around to Fall Creek res. but i dont know what kind of road it is..Heres a couple of more cutts from earlier.

Man those roads up there go everywhere. Nice cutts.
Ya, those are some sweet looking fish man. We went up there and had absolutely no luck. We threw spinners only. I don't understand that Steelhead run on Little FC. I don't know when they head up there or how far they go up. I've heard about them from several people though. Good job on those mysterious Little FC Steelhead. I've been after them 2 or 3 times up there with no luck. If you want to PM me any advice I'd gladly listen. ;)
pm sent
Very nice pictures.

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