Late season Steelies

Well we were headed over to hunt Garibaldi this weekend and on the way stopped at one of our favorite holes on the Wilson. There was about ten in the hole and I would have bet they were silvers by the size of them. Hooked four friday, and was suprised when I landed the third one on and it was a summer stealhead.(my first summer ever)

No luck hunting but we stopped on the Wilson again tonight and five were in the hole. Second cast, BAM, steelie on the bank. Ten minutes later, BAM, Native Coho released:shock:, and of course fifteen minutes later, BAM, 32 inch 12 pound Stealhead buck on the bank and I'm done for the day.
Pretty good weekend for fishing, here is the pic.
Man nice job!! Those fish in good shape still too!

What did you use to kill them? Just curious to see.... I usually do real well on late summers on egg patterns with all the spawning spring chinook.
Wilson Steelheads

Wilson Steelheads

Great looking fish. What hole were you fishing?

I'll be going that direction in a couple weeks to fish the Trask @ Hospital Hole.

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