Just got a report

rippin fish lips
Well-known member
that summers are in kinda thick at dexter damn? My mom works with a guy that fishes up there in that area and he said they are catchin them like crazy up there.

Any of u hear anything??
I'm not sure that I would put much credence in that report RFL. It's VERY early and the water temps are COLD too. There have only been a few summers caught at Foster Dam. So, I'd bet that they aren't as "thick", as the report would have you believe. I'm not saying that there are none. But, the run hasn't kicked into high gear yet.
troutdude said:
I'm not sure that I would put much credence in that report RFL. It's VERY early and the water temps are COLD too. There have only been a few summers caught at Foster Dam. So, I'd bet that they aren't as "thick", as the report would have you believe. I'm not saying that there are none. But, the run hasn't kicked into high gear yet.

yeah thats what i was thinkin... so i just posted it here to get other ppl opinions. i Know its early still, but i just had to check! :P Cuz the only thing that has been on my mind lately is these summers!!
With barely 1400 over the falls, aprox 20% are headed for the mckenzie, 20% for the willy, and the other 60% for the Santiams.....that means potentially 560 fish spread out between mouth of Santiams and Dexter or Leaburg...definitely not "thick" yet , but there are some to be caught.
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...and those same fish have made it up to Foster Dam and likely Big Cliff on the North Fork. So those fish are FEW and FAR between! It'll take a huge multiple of 1400, to make it really time to go fishing.
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