Junction City Pond.

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After last week's drive by the pond (I did stop outside the gate to look), it appeared as if the only work that had been done was on the parking area.
That's not to say that was all that was done, but it was all that was readily visible from my vantage point.
But I hear they are supposed to reopen it tomorrow (rumor, as I can find no information online).
Does anyone have actual facts, or any link to where to find information?
It is open, multiple reports on FB, don't think there was a lot done to it. But there was people fishing there yesterday and today
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I was there for a couple of hours yesterday.
I saw several people land some nice fish, including what looked to be around a 5 lber caught in a fly pole.
I personally never got a bite.
The new fishing platforms are nice. They were installing some metal pole holders along the water where the new concrete walks and benches have been made.
Looks as if they did some trail improvements around the west side of the pond, but the east side was too wet and soft. So that will have to dry some, I suppose, before being finished.
ODFW Press Release:

March 5, 2024

Junction City pond and Archery Park reopened on March 4 with improved access and upgrades to the fishing pond.

Fishing pond upgrades include:
  • New concrete paths and walkways on the northwest corner of the pond including improved access compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Pad areas for four picnic tables. Picnic tables are under construction but should be put in place in the next couple of months. Two of the tables and pads will be ADA-compliant.
  • Nine lakeside fishing access enhancements including boulder clusters and ADA-compliant cantilevered fishing platforms.
  • New metal benches.
  • New informational kiosks (will be placed in the next couple of months).
The project was funded by a $155K grant from the Fish Restoration and Enhancement Program. Revenue for the program is generated by fishing permit and license fees.

The pond has already been stocked with hatchery trout and will be stocked again this week so there will be plenty of fish to catch.



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When were these pics taken?
I don't see the metal pole holders that were installed when I was there last week.
Those pics were actually posted, by ODFW, with that press release above and dated 3/5.
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