JC Pond 12/12/09

grampa ron
Man I sure would like to find SOB the threw one of the steel garbage cans on to ice at the end of the dock. It had a bunch of garbage in it also. It's a hell of a mess. Other idiots have thrown all kinds of wood on the ice also. I suppose they thought they could break the ice and go fishing. If you have any clue as to who did it? They should be turned in. I would like to make them go out on the ice and clean it up. It would be too bad if they fell through!
That's a shame. Selfish idiots.
Yeah they did that crap at a local pond here too. Sticks and concrete chunks. I even saw a bowling ball?:shock: I don't even think they were trying to fish just being dumb.
i did this elsewhere but i threw chunks of ice and rocks i found in the water were i broke the ice.
JC Pond 12/13/09

JC Pond 12/13/09

The pond is still frozen over.
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what a bunch of pigs,,,parents must be proud
Man... that's gonna be a mess when the pond melts, if it already hasn't... :naughty:
maaannn I think they should be dealt with the old fashiond way.
livin2fish said:
maaannn I think they should be dealt with the old fashiond way.

I agree!! That is unfortunately a prime example of how ignorant and uncaring many of our fellow 'sportsman' are!! They should be taken OFF somewhere and dealt with!
Hooked on fishin' said:
I agree!! That is unfortunately a prime example of how ignorant and uncaring many of our fellow 'sportsman' are!! They should be taken OFF somewhere and dealt with!

I don't know man, that kinda screams teenager to me not sportsman. Just dumb I don't know why some people get OFF by doing dumb stuff like this.
beaverfan said:
I don't know man, that kinda screams teenager to me not sportsman. Just dumb I don't know why some people get OFF by doing dumb stuff like this.

Yeah, your probably right, still you would think that even teenagers would have enough respect not to do that, I know I would not have done it when I was a teen. Anyway, I heard they put a few steelhead in there last week, gonna try and get one!:D
Probably some kids. We've all done stupid things before. Ay hooked on fishing did you go out there? Any luck? I think I might hit it up real soon since ODFW says they stocked it.
Theo said:
Probably some kids. We've all done stupid things before. Ay hooked on fishing did you go out there? Any luck? I think I might hit it up real soon since ODFW says they stocked it.

I took my daughters out there on Wednesday, got there as they were stocking! My 8 and 5 year old both caught their first fish!! 16- 18" rainbows!! Awesome, I didn't catch any, but we did not stay long as it was about 30 degrees, and my daughters were freezing. they put in 350 1lb+ fish, I also read they put an additional 50 brooders in there. I saw a guy catch one that was longer than two feet, looked like a 10+pounder!!
Cool thanks man. Anyone want to go out there tomorrow? (Sat) Also, was it really packed and what did you fish with? A 10 LB'ER ! ? ! ? Awesome.
Theo said:
Cool thanks man. Anyone want to go out there tomorrow? (Sat) Also, was it really packed and what did you fish with? A 10 LB'ER ! ? ! ? Awesome.

Kids were using powerbait OFF the bottom, with a sliding weight. It was not very crowded, but the weather was bad, we went back last week and my five year old hooked into a planted and tagged steelhead, my wife was helping her and they got it up to the bank.I was just moving over to help out because i saw how big it was, and the orange tag in its back, so I knew it was a steelhead, when it realized it was hooked and flipped its head once and snapped the line. Pretty good sized fish, it was hooked on an ultra-light pole with 4lb test using powerbait off the bottom as well. I did not see anyone else catch anything that day.
ANybody know how JCP is now....headin to the Alsea on tuesday but with me you never know.
We was out there sunday just a drive by It was fuller then the last time we was there people was fishing , We didn't get out..and ask anyone and RON was not there.. lol
and we arent licensed yet..for 2010
Steelhead or Trout?

Steelhead or Trout?

How does that work in the pond? In the river, if its over 20" its a steelhead and you have to use your tag. What about in the pond, what are the rules?

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