January 2nd....

I am going out on Hills Creek (1457 ft) this Saturday to break in my second rod lic....be still my heart. I mean come on how much more fun can you have than this, of course if one gets Skunked; this does take on a whole new meaning?:rolleyes:
Any way the snow level is dropping to between 1000 and 1500 ft this weekend. Wind, rain, snow...probably have the lake to our selves;) If you have the oppertunity and make it up - stop by and chat.

I thought you'd be out there at sunrise on New Years Day breakin it in! :lol:
Are you banking it or did you get a new boat. I would take you out on mine but I won't have my liscense and tags yet. The 2 pole one is a must for me so i can troll solo. Good luck.
Bottom Bob...

Bottom Bob...

Thuggin4Life said:
Are you banking it or did you get a new boat. I would take you out on mine but I won't have my liscense and tags yet. The 2 pole one is a must for me so i can troll solo. Good luck.

I will be in Bottom Bobs boat, a 16foot SmokerCraft Lodge series. I wanted to go on the first but every one I know will be watching some football game;) So I changed my plans to the second.
It is all about the Rods.....two of them. Sunrise to when ever we get enough rain/snow...

Fishtopher said:
I thought you'd be out there at sunrise on New Years Day breakin it in! :lol:

Thats what I am currently planning. Down at Meldrum at dawn! Nothing like fishing with a hangover.
Yentz said:
Thats what I am currently planning. Down at Meldrum at dawn! Nothing like fishing with a hangover.

Mebbe Ill join the crowd down there too.
Hills Creek January 2010

Hills Creek January 2010

What type of fish will you target?
LadyoftheLake said:
What type of fish will you target?
Troutskis of course! Haha Just a joke.
Landlocked Salmon, and of course Trout

Landlocked Salmon, and of course Trout

Targeting Salmon but won't be upset with a 20" Trout
I will be hitting LookOut with my two rods in the Morning!
If it too windy it will be the upper end of Dexter.
Tight lines...

Tight lines...

bd2cool said:
I will be hitting LookOut with my two rods in the Morning!
If it too windy it will be the upper end of Dexter.

Well tight lines to you, may both your rod tips hit the water at the same time...:clap::clap:

Well tight lines to you, may both your rod tips hit the water at the same time...

The same to you and a happy new year-if Christmas didn't leave me with so little cash I would make it up to see you guys.
So how'd you guys do?
Well i got my 2 rod tag along with my fishing license today. Then i drove to Applegate Res. my favorite fishing destination of 09'. It was a good afternoon, i lost track after 9 or so, my best guess would be around 15. I only kept 1 though almost 13inch and fat, the meat was real good too.
Throbbit _Shane said:
Well i got my 2 rod tag along with my fishing license today.

Wait a second...you mean to be able to use a second rod cost more?
OnTheFly said:
Throbbit _Shane said:
Well i got my 2 rod tag along with my fishing license today.

Wait a second...you mean to be able to use a second rod cost more?

$17 for the two rod thing. I'm not gonna pay it lol. I don't fish lakes enough.
I had to pay $0 for the 2 rod thing. There goes my Bait money.
Troutier Bassier said:
I had to pay $0 for the 2 rod thing. There goes my Bait money.

By the time you're old enough to have to pay for a license/tag it's gonna be upped to like $100 a year.
Two rods - everything I thought it would be...

Two rods - everything I thought it would be...

What a day, first on the water and last to leave. Bottom Bob and I launched a little before day break at Packard creek and the water looked like mud...not a good omen to see at the ramp. We headed to the back of the lake, just to be greeted by more debris than I have ever seen up there. The water temp was 42 degrees and looked more like the Mississippi than the Willamette, the inflow was amazing...the warm weather is melting all that low level snow from last week. We tried to find the Salmon but the water was moving so fast that we had to fish in the mud flats and after about 3 hours we decided to head to the dam and start fishing deep. We landed one fish in the back, a very respectable 16" Rainbow now I am not complaining about a 16" Trout but one fish....wasn't looking good for the first day of our second rod excursion. We battened down the craft and headed to the dam...what a ride-so much debris, it took forever. We made it about half way there and low and behold the water was perfect; color and temp. It wasn't long and we had four rods out each with a different lure and depth, well Bob picked up the first Salmon and it was a very nice one to boot. The Salmon decided to target one specific lure, they wouldn't hit anything else we threw at them except the one single lure. Luckily we had plenty of them...the lure of choice was a Gold Little Cleo. Go figure;), this is going to be my lucky day; I can feel it now.
We figured out the depth they were holding and the speed that they liked and then we rigged all four rods with the lure of choice and started to count the boated fish, all the time waiting for the beloved "Quadruple hook up".
Now if you have never fished with more than one rod before it is very quick paced and exciting to say the least. It didn't take long to get the first double rod hookup...Bob had his hands full, both fish decided to play flying fish at the same time. I don't think I have ever seen a grown man laugh so hard while fishing in my life. He was operating the craft and fighting two Salmon all at the same time, I couldn't help him I had my hands full with a fish of my own. It went on like that for the rest of the day, we boated and released over 75 Salmon by the days end. I have absolutely no idea how many double, triple and quads we had over the day, but both my arms and shoulders are sore as a dickens today. My abs are also sore from laughing so much...man did I laugh a ton. There is nothing like hooking up with four fish between two people and trying to net them and stay in the boat at the same time.
Now I know there is going to be quite the debate on ODFW charging $17.00 for the second rod, I mean just to get a normal angling license and second rod is $50.00. If I could I would spend an additional $17.00 for a third rod, it is that much fun.....trust me it is worth every penny for the second rod. Now I do recommend getting into shape before you try this...especially if you try Hills Creek. Spend a few weeks getting your abs into some shape along with both shoulders and your smile muscles. Probably my best day on the water in quite a few years, I can't wait to do it again.....dam, now I wish I had waited until the spring to sell my boat....The new boat won't be in my garage until the end of March...any one have an extra boat I can borrow for a few months....?:D
Here are a few pictures of the day, I doubt I will forget it for quite a while.

Good Day Chuck-I glad we both have a great day-you are so right about using two rods-getting a doubleheader is a blast!!

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