Well-known member
Gene, The day you and I drove up to Clear Lake where I introduced you to trolling for trout was priceless. You told me you were a river fisherman very well acquainted to the waters of Montana, Oregon and Utah, but never really did much still water fishing. You probably had your doubts but I saw your eagerness to get out in the Little Blue Drifter to give it a try. You not only caught the most fish that day but also the biggest. That grin of yours on that sunburned face lasted all the way back on the drive to your truck in Oregon City. I didn't need to catch fish that day. Just knowing what a good time you had made it all worth it to me.
Remember the Trillium trip in 2011? Can't say I didn't warn you about setting up your tent so close to the campfire and that you better be prepared to stay up all night with the late night party animals. Well I guess you remembered that this last trip when you placed your tent at a respectable distance away. I bet you slept much better. lol.
Speaking of sleep, you sure schooled me in the importance of it at Trout Creek on the Deschutes when you took a nap after we got back from our drift then felt rip roaring and ready to do some bank fishing when the rest of us were done for the day. I'll be damned if you didn't simply walk down to the boat launch and pull up a 20in.+ Reside in the back eddy on top water. Bigsteel can tell the rest of that story.
Another good trip we had this year was when the bearings went out on your boat trailer on the way up to Clear Lake with you me and Steve.(Wozniasm) It didn't matter to the fish that we weren't there at the crack of 0-Dark 30 but it gave all three of us some good time to shoot the breeze together while the work was being done. I enjoyed that.
One more thing Gene, I'll always remember when you came to visit me in the hospital and put in a prayer request at your church for my recovery. I truly believe that it made a difference.
I'm going to miss you Gene. May God bless you and thanks for being my friend.

Remember the Trillium trip in 2011? Can't say I didn't warn you about setting up your tent so close to the campfire and that you better be prepared to stay up all night with the late night party animals. Well I guess you remembered that this last trip when you placed your tent at a respectable distance away. I bet you slept much better. lol.
Speaking of sleep, you sure schooled me in the importance of it at Trout Creek on the Deschutes when you took a nap after we got back from our drift then felt rip roaring and ready to do some bank fishing when the rest of us were done for the day. I'll be damned if you didn't simply walk down to the boat launch and pull up a 20in.+ Reside in the back eddy on top water. Bigsteel can tell the rest of that story.
Another good trip we had this year was when the bearings went out on your boat trailer on the way up to Clear Lake with you me and Steve.(Wozniasm) It didn't matter to the fish that we weren't there at the crack of 0-Dark 30 but it gave all three of us some good time to shoot the breeze together while the work was being done. I enjoyed that.
One more thing Gene, I'll always remember when you came to visit me in the hospital and put in a prayer request at your church for my recovery. I truly believe that it made a difference.
I'm going to miss you Gene. May God bless you and thanks for being my friend.