Outdoor_Myers said:I got to go FISHING YAY!!!! AND NOT SKUNKED!
Outdoor_Myers said:pretty fun for my day pass caught a couple fishthanks to my gf's cousin. Well I never cleaned trout before so I tried to filet the first one kinda screwed up so I cut the head and guted the other two in oven now with seasons hope they turn out good.
Outdoor_Myers said:pretty fun for my day pass caught a couple fishthanks to my gf's cousin. Well I never cleaned trout before so I tried to filet the first one kinda screwed up so I cut the head and guted the other two in oven now with seasons hope they turn out good.
dude young said:Sweet man! Good work outta you. Yeah, I always cut the heads off my trout too. I stuff them with some chopped onion, butter, minced garlic and some lemon slices and fresh parsley. Then wrap them in foil and out on the grill they go. Oh man, my mouth is watering.
Outdoor_Myers said:I got to go FISHING YAY!!!! AND NOT SKUNKED!
gj om ....catch a million moreOutdoor_Myers said:I got to go FISHING YAY!!!! AND NOT SKUNKED!
TTFishon said:Good job Dude! I never cut the heads off unless it's an accident. When I fry them up I know the fish is done when the eyes turn white.
solution7 said:Huddleston Pond, Willamina..
GDBrown said:I never keep the heads on, They don't fit the pan!:lol:+
Try going to Home Depot and getting a cedar fence board, cut it into lengths that fit the BBQ. Soak them under water overnight so they are completely saturated. Place a layer of tin foil under the board and place fish on top with whatever seasoning you like, place a tent of foil over fish and cook with the lid on the BBQ until done. Best tasting fish you will ever have... Works for any size trout or salmonoid.
Keep up the good work!!!