Husband missing after wife survives attack near Sandy River

Active member
Anyone else see this? Anyone know these people? This is a weird story.

I was going to go to this exact spot this morning but my bro bailed on me. Glad I didn't now!
Very sad & scary

Very sad & scary

I saw this last night and can only hope that with tons of fisher folk out there today, they will help find him. I know all our prayers and best wishes are with him for a safe return to his family. The rest of you be VERY careful out there. These are the kind of bastards that strike fear and anger in all of us.
I was up at Dodge Park yesterday afternoon and saw the Chopper fly low over the river going back and forth. When I got home I saw it on the news. I hope the fellow turns up OK. I'm going to watch this one. I'd like to know the rest of the story.
Raincatcher said:
The rest of you be VERY careful out there. These are the kind of bastards that strike fear and anger in all of us.

Not to start a debate, but *IF* it was another person starting a fight and brandishing a gun....this is exactly why I take the better-protected-than-sorry approach and usually carry a firearm when fishing remote areas. You just never know who or what you may run into :(
Was out at Oxbow this morning. People fishing both sides of the river. I did not know about any of this until I saw search and rescue with a dog at Oxbow. Then the sheriff's jet boat went roaring up and down the river. As far as fishing goes, saw one guy pull in a native and that is it.


Ok, so...:think:first I will say that the whole firearm conversation is best left for a different internet forum, as this one was not designed with that subject in mind. So can that. All that propeganda on that other thread is not appropriate for this family/fishing oriented site:naughty:.:)(hope it doesn't upset anyone that i pointed that out:whistle:...)

Second, and most important, there is a whole lot of this story that is yet to be made public. But if you just take what has been made of this story so far, it sure is scary! "Fisherman and wife meets with at least one other person in the morning for a day of fishing"...."wife gets thrown off of a bridge"...."husband still missing"....

best wishes to the families of the fisherfolks.
Man, life can change in the blink of an eye.
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What a disturbing story, I think there are facts known to the police they are not releasing at this point, as their goal has got to be catching the perpetrator(s) of this horrible act., w/o tipping their hand. Something is very wrong here.

Hey Fishtopher, no offense take here either, you know my position on the gun issues as well.

Did I miss a potential inflammatory thread about this subject, or did I author / partake in one earlier that your refering to? << scratch that last question, I know what your eluding to. >>
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This mornings details, as they unfold, seem to suggest the couple met a man who'd contacted then via craigslist; regarding the potential sale of a boat listed on the site. A third man came from out of the near by brush in what appears to be a robbery attempt. A fight ensued and the woman was thrown from the bridge. The husband was last seen running into the nearby woods and has yet to be located.

If these reports are correct, soon enough the authorities should be able to track down these scumbags and resolve this horrible situation.

It seems not only should you prepare to protect yourself while fishing but also for who you might encounter when dealing with sociopaths on craigslist.

My prayers are with the family. I hope the find the husband soon and alive.
Yeah if that report is true then everyone needs to learn from it and don't try to make deals like that out in the woods, be sure to do it in town with a good amount of people around very sad thing to have happen. I finally got to see the pic of the guy that is missing and I think have stood next to him on the bank before. Scary thing to have happen out there. All hopes go out to them finding him healthy and to them getting the scum that did this.
There is some rough terrain out there. Possible the running husband got hurt while trying to evade the suspects. Possibillities are endless right now though. That running husband had to of been pretty scared to run away while his wife is being thrown off a bridge!!
Fishtopher said:
There is some rough terrain out there. Possible the running husband got hurt while trying to evade the suspects. Possibillities are endless right now though. That running husband had to of been pretty scared to run away while his wife is being thrown off a bridge!!

From what his friends and neighbors are saying your right. They say while he's a very friendly guy, but he wouldn't back down from a "fair fight" and the fact his wife had been assaulted.. Implys it was a real nightmare situation.
I'm sorry to say this and hope this does not offend any one in any way, but if that would have been me I don't think anything would have made me leave my love ones side. I'm sure he must have had his reason for taking off but nothing would have got me to leave my wifes side if I thought she was in danger witch this lady was. To death do us part. Like I said I really hope this does not offend anyone in anyway but thats just how I feel about the whole leaving his wife like that. Now we all could be wrong in thinking he was just running off maybe they were chacing him and he was running to get them away from her but the woman was thrown over a brige and lieing on the ground so I don't know this was just some thoughts that went through my head hope this doesn't offend anyone.
If you check the Mult Co site link I posted yesterday, the plot thickens. There are two others involved, one of which is an acquaintance of Mr. Stomps. But the wife doesn't know his last name....? The incident just gets more confusing... :confused:
Starting to sound a little fishy to me (no pund intended there). I wonder if the husband is really missing or just hiding?
I got the day off today and went down to that spot to fish. Sure enough it was that exact spot that I thought. There were four Mult. Sheriff's cars there getting ready to leave when we arrived. It's obvious they have no idea what happened - after we asked if it was ok to park and walk through here, they said it's fine we are just leaving. Then as they pulled away they stopped and asked us "were any of you here Friday morning? See anything?" Nope, sorry... :( Very sad...

I think most of the rumors about what went down are just that - rumors. The fact is no one really knows what went down - not even the wife after she was thrown off the overpass. We'll have to wait for the facts I guess. The husband could have made a run for his life in order to come back ALIVE to save the wife later. Or he could have been taken away at gunpoint before he had a chance to react. Or, god forbid, it could be something more sinister. Stranger things have happened between married couples... :rolleyes:
Oh and btw - skunked on the river today :mad:
We live in a crazy world now this is too bad... I have a .40 that will leave you with nasty hole if you mess with my family. If only Gerry had one too we might not be reading about this tragic story...:pray:
It's the Wife!

It's the Wife!

So has everyone heard the latest? They have arrested the wife for murder. There will be a story on the Channel 6 news at 11:00pm.
Real Bummer!!

Real Bummer!!

It seems those bastards have turned out to be his wife, they charged her today. :shock:

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