Huddleston Pond

Went to the pond in Wilamina today. The entire placed is closed..looks like they are doing construction on the signage indicatiung when it will be opened.
I called the city of Willamina today. The park is open for walk-ins. She said they might post a sign stating that.
Which is Huddleston?

Which is Huddleston?

I was thinking of going up there myself, but when I Google it I am confused:
Can anybody tell me which of the ponds pictured here is the real Huddleston pond? Google Earth has two close ponds labeled the same...

I assume it is the larger pond to the North, but...
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thelibrarian said:
Can anybody tell me which of the ponds pictured here is the real Huddleston pond? Google Earth has two close ponds labeled the same...
I assume it is the larger pond to the North, but...

You are correct. It's the larger one to the north.
Thanks TTFishon ;0)
thelibrarian said:
Thanks TTFishon ;0)

No problem. There's also a pond they stock with trout in Sheridan. I think it's called the Sheridan Pond.
I have not been to Huddleston Pond yet but plan on going shortly. Do they allow any kind of boat or float tube?
Firemann59 said:
I have not been to Huddleston Pond yet but plan on going shortly. Do they allow any kind of boat or float tube?

Yes. There's a gravel boat ramp too.
Firemann59 said:
I have not been to Huddleston Pond yet but plan on going shortly. Do they allow any kind of boat or float tube?


They do allow boats on the pond, but no motors. There is like a 14 ft limit though. As far as float tube, I'm not sure it is really deep enough. Maybe someone here has been out there in one. Pontoons and canoes have worked well for me. During the summer, the weeds can grow all the way to the surface. I have used floats and flies for trolling around for surface presentation. If you troll any gear though, watch out for the big ole submerged pipe running from the boat dock towards the dam.
I have seen more people land fish from the bank between the picnic area and the boat dock, than from the dock next to the dam.
Good luck
Is Huddleston pond also known as Willamina pond? If so that is where I caught my very first fish, probably 35-40 years ago. It was tradition from when I was about 5 years old that my uncle would take my brother and I down there after they stocked it and we would catch our limit every time. It was the highlight of my year and was the perfect way to get a kid hooked on fishing.

I remember it being so thick with fish that we would snag them. My uncle would make us throw those back. Good times.
are there steelhead in huddleston pond?
I doubt there's any right now but I'm pretty sure it gets stocked in the winter with excess steelhead. So does Vernonia Pond and several lakes on the coast. They usually put it up on the ODFW weekly recreation report when the put them in.
so hard to do well there last time i was there, the ospreys were doing better than we were, weeds were so thick, don't see how the fish could find your bait. Out of 3 trips there we still got skunked, did see nice fish fin by, but nary a taker:(
I've seen a couple of threads and even a video of a brooder being caught about this pond, but I don't know much else about it. I was thinking about heading out there and giving it a try. Any suggestions on bait or lures? Thanks as always!

this is a nice pond,,,,i like to use worms or spinners but you could also twitch a jig around,,,,most the brooders ive seen there are not far from shore,,,so you wont need a hero cast.when you get there youll see a covered area,thats where all the older guys hang out and bs,,,,theyll let ya know whats bitin that day....good luck let us know how u do

ps throw an egg sack or two around
Huddleston difficulties

Huddleston difficulties

Hey bro,

I tried Huddleston for the first time last year in my tube. It was a pain in the ARSE. It is was too over grown with weeds all over the west side.:mad:

I only caught fish by literally standing on the small boat dock next to the ramp. There is a tiny pocket there that had fish in it. In fact, hooked one that was in the 16 - 18" class--but he decided that he didn't like dry land. :doh: But I did land 3 or 4 others, and at least took the skunk off.

Right at the damn, and from the bank, I'd guess that folks mostly use bobbers & bait...although that still didn't look like much fun. I can't see how anyone could fish with standard slip sinker n' powerbait/eggs; without constantly getting hung up on the bottom. :(

The most that I saw caught the day I was there, was near the southeast corner. Couldn't see what they were using.

I will be happy to hear, however, from see what tricks they have up their sleeves.

Oh, and along the north side might be good for trout (and probably pan fish). I could see some lily pads, but not the weedy crappy mess that I saw in the rest of the water.

BTW, I left Huddleston mid day. Then, I boogied over to the Sheridan Pond (also first time that day). It's only about 20 or 30 away. I must've "C & R'd" some 15 - 20 trout there. VERY easy to catch off the bottom w/ slip sinker and green/orange Power Eggs and 3' of leader. No real size to 'em, but at least had some fun. :dance:

NOTE: if you don't already...I suggest leaving your line slack. Every time I left it like that for a few minutes and reeled in...I had a fish on. The peeps next to me didn't catch any and were flabbergasted. So, like a good neighbor, I gave them all that they wanted. ;)

Tight lines,


P.S. This all happened last summer.
troutdude said:
Hey bro,

I tried Huddleston for the first time last year in my tube. It was a pain in the ARSE. It is was too over grown with weeds all over the west side.:mad:

I only caught fish by literally standing on the small boat dock next to the ramp. There is a tiny pocket there that had fish in it. In fact, hooked one that was in the 16 - 18" class--but he decided that he didn't like dry land. :doh: But I did land 3 or 4 others, and at least took the skunk off.

Right at the damn, and from the bank, I'd guess that folks mostly use bobbers & bait...although that still didn't look like much fun. I can't see how anyone could fish with standard slip sinker n' powerbait/eggs; without constantly getting hung up on the bottom. :(

The most that I saw caught the day I was there, was near the southeast corner. Couldn't see what they were using.

I will be happy to hear, however, from see what tricks they have up their sleeves.

Oh, and along the north side might be good for trout (and probably pan fish). I could see some lily pads, but not the weedy crappy mess that I saw in the rest of the water.

BTW, I left Huddleston mid day. Then, I boogied over to the Sheridan Pond (also first time that day). It's only about 20 or 30 away. I must've "C & R'd" some 15 - 20 trout there. VERY easy to catch off the bottom w/ slip sinker and green/orange Power Eggs and 3' of leader. No real size to 'em, but at least had some fun. :dance:

NOTE: if you don't already...I suggest leaving your line slack. Every time I left it like that for a few minutes and reeled in...I had a fish on. The peeps next to me didn't catch any and were flabbergasted. So, like a good neighbor, I gave them all that they wanted. ;)

Tight lines,


P.S. This all happened last summer.

the summers gettin very weedy but now is great water level.....i was there last week and no weeds or snags:):)
Groovy man

Groovy man

Thanks Big!:) I did like that pond. I'll try it again in cooler temps.
yea dont get discouraged,,,al the ponds i visit in the summer are mostly dissapointing,,,but once fall and winter hit its great.
I am at huddelston every week, i have had best luck with the powerbait off the bottom or eggs under a bobber.. I also have had a lot of fun with some spinners there as well.. the bottom is weedy but use a long leader and you will be fine ... i have caught at least 50fish there in the past two weeks ... i release most all of them too ...

have fun!!

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