thistle creek is open, and i went by whitcomb and the yellow gate was open, but i didn't drive in. the water is full and gp is as beautiful as ever. as far as kokanee, its pretty slow. you shouldnt have any trouble limiting on stocker bows though. we fished sunday from 6:30 am until about 5 pm and we got 4 nice kokes in the boat, and lost about the same amount. we also got 1 rainbow. The kokes are running 12 - 14 inches. we ran downriggers, lead line, banana weights, and flatlined. we tried corn, worms and eggs, and even did a little jigging. nothing seemed to work better than anything else, the bite is really slow. the fish were sitting at 53 to 55 ft, and the water is about 50-55 degrees on the surface. If you dont have downriggers nows the time to hit the lake before they go deep after the water warms up. try around the island, up the santiam arm a little way, not to far from the bank, and down the east bank towards the dam. good luck, Brian