How about some fishing reports?

And I don't mean from all you super fishers that can catch a steelhead from a mud puddle. How about hearing from us avarege Joe's. Remember No news is NOT good news. Even if you did poorly that helps us to decide where to go.I am tired of the ODFW and The Guides Forcast saying the fish are in there you just have to be willing to put in the time? I have put in years of time ,I don't have a couple of friends that fish all the time or are guides.I catch a Steelhead now and again, in the 80's I even cought a nice buck fishing next to Buzzy on the Wilson and he left empty handed.I can only get out once a week if lucky.I can not go to the Wilson,Nehalem,Trask and Sandy,Clackamas,Eagle creek I have to choose whitch way to go. I love to fish,but fishing without catch-n-keep is just sight seeing and I do not need to spend $100.00 on fish gear and license to sight see. I love to eat anadromus fish the tast, not to mention the health benifits go with out saying. I do not want to know your secret hole, I do not like combat fishing any more that you do.If you catch 20 fish a day all the time I do not(with all due respect) even want to here your input obviously you can catch fish any where any time,you are not A.Joe,and you have no interest in helping someone like me,except as a for hire guide.I do not chase Internet fishing reports and expect to catch fish I watch,listen and try to learn.And try to decide where to go when I can get away.I am an avid outdoorsman.But in my silver years it is getting harder to justify spending all this money on fishing gear when all I here is you should of been here yesterday.I just want to know where and on what are you catchin fish A.Joe.!I promiss I will not crowd your hole.So come on all you non tag fillers speak up,what is working here and now or not. And ask questions we'll all learn something....Thanks
Sorry man haven't been out in a while. Heard of a few being pulled out of the siuslaw lately off and on. Hitting the Umpqwa soon I'll let you know how it goes.
want to know what a bass fisherman is? a frustrated salmon/steelhead fisherman.:D You're not alone. You're like me; I can only fish weekends unless I take time off. Makes it highly difficult to locate fish. Until trout season arrives, I just roll with the punches and accept my skunk days. It's still nice to get out on the river though.:)
Thuggin4Life said:
Sorry man haven't been out in a while. Heard of a few being pulled out of the siuslaw lately off and on. Hitting the Umpqwa soon I'll let you know how it goes.
I hate to H-jack my own thread but can you talk about what happend with the judge today?
"Sight seeing" is a hell of a lot better than staying home. I'd rather fish every weekend and get skunked than stay at home wondering if today could've been that multiple fish day. That's what fishing is. Lately I've realized it's not about catching at all. I'm on a dry spell myself, but I just roll with it. I work 5 days sometimes 6 a week, 50-60 hours...all so I can spend one day sometimes two on the river. If I didn't get out once a week, people would suffer immensely, and in my profession, that does not bode well for my patients coming in monday morning for blood draws. So I get out, I check out new rivers or hit one the ones i've been fishing since I was a kid, and when I get something, it's a bonus whether or not it's taggable. If I want to eat fish...the fish market is a 5 minute drive away.

As far as reports go...this place is FULL of reports some rivers more than others...and there are not many of us on here that brag about filling tags, in fact, i'm pretty sure there's less than 10 people if that, that fill their tags each year...So we're pretty much all "average joes"...though I believe that to be a sexist generalization :) haha jk.
SeaRay said:
I hate to H-jack my own thread but can you talk about what happend with the judge today?

He's got a thread going for that :)
Well, I went out yesterday morning after work. Didn't get a single hit. The water looked really good and I didn't see one person except for a stater doing his job. Found some killer agates, quartz, and jasper on my trek along the river and found some potential plunking holes for when the fish arrive. I say arrive because I was fishing the Santiam but I don't care because I was getting out and fishing. I tried spoons and spinners and next time I will have more in my arsenal. Went to use the bathroom when I left and saw my oldest brother, which is kind of weird. Haven't seen him in about two years. Said hey how's it going and that was about it. Then went home.
Now that's a report :)
JeannaJigs said:
He's got a thread going for that :)
thanks Jeanna
On the other point I guess we just differ.I would rather be doing something more productive than fishing on a fishless body of water,When is the last time you saw fresh steelhead for sale in a market?
TTFishon said:
Well, I went out yesterday morning after work. Didn't get a single hit. The water looked really good and I didn't see one person except for a stater doing his job. Found some killer agates, quartz, and jasper on my trek along the river and found some potential plunking holes for when the fish arrive. I say arrive because I was fishing the Santiam but I don't care because I was getting out and fishing. I tried spoons and spinners and next time I will have more in my arsenal. Went to use the bathroom when I left and saw my oldest brother, which is kind of weird. Haven't seen him in about two years. Said hey how's it going and that was about it. Then went home.
Thaks man, thats what I am talking about.When,Where,What and results.
different strokes for different folks. It's not about meat on the table for me and it's lot less expensive to pick up a wild caught steelhead at newman's than gassing up my vehicle and hauling my boat somewhere and ya know what, I've never noticed and discernible difference between a fish bought at newmans and one caught in a river. If I was given the choice, I'd be perfectly content catch and releasing natives for the rest of my life, than chasing after lazy hatchery fish. That adipose makes 'em fight harder I'm convinced. Now don't get me wrong, I'll tag a hatchery fish if oppurtunity arises, but that's not what I am seeking to get out of fishing, it's about more than that for me, and I know I'm not alone on that.
Rookie Report 1-31-10 Clackams/EC

Rookie Report 1-31-10 Clackams/EC

Being new to steelhead fishing (and salmon) I've decided to focus mainly on 3 local rivers/creeks. Although I would like to visit many other locations; I figure by focusing my efforts on a few waters, I will over time better understand how to fish them thus increasing my success. That's my theory anyway.

Sunday 1/31/10: Started my day at Milo McIver on the Clackamas with a old friend that I've haven't seen in years. I've scouted it a couple times but this was the first time I fished there. The weather began to clear up as it turned into a Spring-like day. The water looked great. Saw a few other people while we were there, however none of us had any action.

My buddy and I decided to go on the move so we headed to Eagle Fern on EC. The water was/is quite low and clear. Again, neither we or the people we came across had any action or spotted any fish.

That being said, I know people were catching fish out of these systems that same day! I figure this is all part of my "tuning" process as I learn where and how to hit these waters.

It was a great day out on the water with an old friend. Here's a pic of McIver that morning.

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JeannaJigs said:
different strokes for different folks. It's not about meat on the table for me and it's lot less expensive to pick up a wild caught steelhead at newman's than gassing up my vehicle and hauling my boat somewhere and ya know what, I've never noticed and discernible difference between a fish bought at newmans and one caught in a river. If I was given the choice, I'd be perfectly content catch and releasing natives for the rest of my life, than chasing after lazy hatchery fish. That adipose makes 'em fight harder I'm convinced. Now don't get me wrong, I'll tag a hatchery fish if oppurtunity arises, but that's not what I am seeking to get out of fishing, it's about more than that for me, and I know I'm not alone on that.

I don't think they are serving wild steelhead.You can not compair wild or fresh cought hatchery steelhead with farm raised fish:naughty: not even close
fishing reports..

fishing reports..

I fished the Sandy on Saturday with no good results. Heard of four natives caught above Oxbow park. Then went and fished the Clack on Sunday and again found nothing more than a giant 'skunk'. I had never fished either river before, but really enjoyed both days. Learned a lot. Fished Oxbow on the Sandy and Barton on the Clack. Very nice rivers, both of them.
saturday hit three rivers for a bit,,,didn't get a bit but the water looked good,,,,fished at the upper nestucca for a while caught a nice rainbow on an egg pattern but no steelies,,,,heard of one being caught a 1/4 mile down road.lower nestucca was jam packed full of trailers and boats ....
JeannaJigs said:
different strokes for different folks. It's not about meat on the table for me and it's lot less expensive to pick up a wild caught steelhead at newman's than gassing up my vehicle and hauling my boat somewhere and ya know what, I've never noticed and discernible difference between a fish bought at newmans and one caught in a river. If I was given the choice, I'd be perfectly content catch and releasing natives for the rest of my life, than chasing after lazy hatchery fish. That adipose makes 'em fight harder I'm convinced. Now don't get me wrong, I'll tag a hatchery fish if oppurtunity arises, but that's not what I am seeking to get out of fishing, it's about more than that for me, and I know I'm not alone on that.

same here
Yeah, me too. I like getting out and enjoying the great outdoors. Catching fish is a nice bonus.
I would put my money on the clack for the next week, then the coast will probably start heating up with natives.:)
hit the siuslaw yesterday with no luck but seen a fish caught above and below me, isn't that a bummer. i was in the crowd up by witaker crk. the fish i saw caught were on row and bobber bout 4 ft deep!

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