Hittin the N.Santiam today


Well-known member
gettin ready to head ut to the n.santim, near packsaddle park and farther up,,,il let ya know how it goes..
yea im lookin hard for coho and a steelhead.....i got skunked today it looks like the rivers up quite a bit....is the santiam suppose to have a nice run?
Don't let a game warden know you're trying for coho that far up. The Stayton Hwy. bridge heading south from downtown Stayton is the cutoff for coho. They will probably do away with that next season, hopefully, and do the same for the cutoff on the South Santiam at the Lebanon Hwy. bridge. Good luck.

The right fish..

The right fish..

You're welcome! The single most important thing I've learn about Game Wardens is this: If they ask you what you are fishing for you best have the right answer. If you were fishing down those trails at Minto Park on the N. Santiam and a GW asks what you are fishing for and you replied coho he\she very well may write you a ticket for "intent to fish a closed water", that is water closed to the retention of coho. If you told the GW steelhead, then he might check to see if you have purchased a salmon/steelhead tag and have it on your person. If you didn't have the harvest tag they could write you up for not having one. Sly devils!:mad::naughty::(

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