Hagg Lake pollution

These pictures were taken the afternoon of June 23rd. Bretthauer (Road) Oil trucks left this oily mess in the parking lot near the dam. They offloaded one tanker truck into another one. This took a couple of hours and the noise pretty much destroyed any tranquility one might hope to enjoy in the outdoors.

I am sure that had I changed the oil in my pickup at this location and left this much of a mess I would have been arrested or cited.
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Clean up after themselves.

Clean up after themselves.

Max said:
......I am sure that had I changed the oil in my pickup at this location and left this much of a mess I would have been arrested or cited.

Just call the county sheriff and tell them about it. It would help them if you had a photo of the two trucks together. They can still issue a citation and make them clean it up. The company will have records of deliveries they made up by the lake and who was driving the trucks.

You might also try just sending the company officials a polite email asking them to go back and clean it up, showing them the photos. The drivers are just hoping the can get away with it.:redface:Chances are the company would rather deal with it themselves and not face the negative publicity.
Wow for a second I thought these were pictures of the Gulf!! Thats rediculous that people have that much nerve!
I contacted the company. There are two companies in Hillsboro with the Bretthauer name. One is Bretthauer Oil and the other is Bretthauer Road Oil. I contacted both companies and I'm waiting to hear back from them.
That stuff all ends up in the water! Whether it be someones well or the river... people just don't think that it goes anywhere.
That might explain the few mutated trout ive caught out of there!
Bretthauer Road Oil is the responsible company. Their employee called me back and said the material left behind is "road oil" which isn't really oil at all. It is a product called "Lignin" that is a by-product of what they produce at paper mills. I asked the employee if there was an MSDS for the material and he didn't know. In fact, he didn't know much about it at all, including how to even spell the products name. I offered to send him the pictures but he wasn't interested.

One thing is for sure. This material kills plant life (ever see a weed growing out of a road that has been "oiled"?). It can't be good.
I would notify the enviromental protection agency, or the department fo natural resourses... see what the fella has to say to them. They do care, and they want to know about these things.
Since it is clearly NOT on the road, it IS were it doesn't belong!
I agree call the EPA and file a report and tell them who you talked to , when , and what was said.
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