Lakes Green Peter Reservoir Fishing Reports

Today Troutski and I met at Green Peter Reservoir and tried our luck. On the way up the roads were icy and a bit treaturous but we made it unscaved. We met at 8:30 AM at Thistle Creek boat ramp. The water was 39 degrees but the air temp was below that. We trolled from the ramp to the back end of the lake, with not even a strike. We cast a few lures without a bite and proceeded back the other way. We tried one of the fingers without a bite. So we proceeded across the lake and trolled from the south end of the island toward the boat ramp. As the day progressed the water temp rose to 43 degrees. We were about to turn into the finger the boat ramp is located on and my pole began to twitch. I was so shocked I almost forgot what to do. Ha Ha. I reeled it in and it was a nice Chinook. We then turned the corner and headed toward the ramp. We were just about to reel in and call it a day and boom, Chuck had one on. He reeled it in and it too was a nice Chinook. We had a good time and finally got the skunk of the boat and both of us.
Green Peter Reservoir

We put the boat in the water by 9:am and were fishing by 9:15, I started longlining a Gold Jakes(of course) and Ron started with a wedding and his special corn and a chunk of worn.......we switched back an forth until we reached the confluence of the N.Santiam and I used the down rigger from 30' to 90' neither one of us got so much as a hit. I bet Ron used every lure he had, still nothing. We finely started trolling in his favorite slot and a secret lure, it wasn't long and I noticed something weired about his rod.....I couldn't quite put my finger on it - then it hit me "Ron you have a fish on".....we just didn't expect it. A very nice Chinook Salmon, probably about 16 - 17 inches, but in my net every thing looks huge. Another 15 min. or so and my rod bends in half....I am thinking I snagged the bottom, then the lines starts to rip off......oh ya, another Chinook of course mine was much bigger, well maybe not but what the heck I telling the story. So the day ends with two strikes and two fish in the net.

Water temp was 38 degrees at the beginning of the day and 44 degrees by 3:00pm., the water clarity wasn't bad unitl we got to the back of the lake. That creamy jade color, that lake never seems to be that big until you fish all day and cover about 1/4 of it. All in all a great day of fun and stories, the wind had a pretty good nip to it. Just a hint of wind in the late afternoon. Here are a couple of pictures along with Ron's fish, he has to post my fish picture, my arm wasn't long enough to take my own. Feb 1st. and no rain and no skunk, that is a wonderful start to a spectacular month of fishing.



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We put in around 12 noon on Friday the 9th. Trolled our way from Thistle over to the Withcomb arm with no hits. We then took off towards the Island and saw a bit of surface action and began flatlining roostertails. Had one small koke to release and a few on and lost. We then trolled our way back to Thistle with no bumps.
Greenpeter was like glass the whole day.
I went to green peter 4-26-08. Four of us fished from 8am to 5pm. We caught 16 kokanee, 1 chinook, 5 planters. Two of us were Trolling downriggers at 20 to 45 feet. The other two were trolling out the back 15 to 45 pulls, the guys out the back caught more fish than the downriggers. The kokanee are starting to school up. We had doubles a few times. The kokes are a lot smaller than last year average 8 to 12 inches. last year they averaged 12 to 14. Good luck to all. Tight lines and no wind.
I like to fish from the park side at the dam, to the end of the south side. Then I go back to the dam and start over. I try to stay as close as I can to the bank as I can. 100 ft. to 40 ft. deep. Watch the bank if you see a point at the shore that point usually reaches out into the water and it can get shollow really quick and you can snag your down riggers or other rigs. Zig zag your boat and change speeds every once in awhile this often gets you a fish. #1 thing to use is white shoe peg corn drained, put the corn in a plastic container, drain two can of tuna oil into the corn, let sit over night. Cover your whole hook. Dont get this on your line or it will eat it. Keep it cold . Hope this helps. I dont fish around the island so I can't give you any insight on that. Good luck.

Raincatcher, Go to the bridge between thistle creek boat ramp and white comb creek park. Go out to the middle of the bridge. Fish the side that faces away from the lake. Use a buzz bomb 2 inch Holographic pink or blue. Use WHITE SHOE PEG CORN drained, put the corn in a plastic container drain two can of tuna OIL into the corn let sit over night. keep it cold in a cooler when fishing. Put one piece of corn on each hook. Drop your buzz bomb to the bottom , reel up two or three times and start jigging. Not to fast, lift up and let it fall. This takes some practice the kokanee don't bite hard, it feels like a faint nibble . When you feel this set the hook, you will miss more than you hook, because you have a lot of line out and that lessons you reaction time. They almost always hit the buzz bomb on the way down when your jigging. This bridge fishing is really good when the water warms up and when the fish are in their schools. Hope this helps good luck.
fished GP yesterday with my wife. first time ever there. nice place... more visits in the future :))

stayed east of Whitcomb, close to the bank. 1 kokanee, 7 trout.

thanks everybody for sharing your tips.
One of my better days this year on the lake. Boated 14 kokanee and 2 chinook. Lost about a dozen more. Largest koke was 15.75" and fat. The fish were pretty ballistic today as well. Fished from 35' to 60' with most fish coming at 45'. Best lure was Pro-Troll kokanee killers behind a Shasta Tackle sling blade. Hoochies were second best producer. Nothing on spinners today. Tried a new "stink" today and it worked really well. So good in fact I am going to try it again tomorrow to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Wish today would have Kokanee Derby day, I had five that I know would have place easily in the money.
Well, Green Peter was again pretty good today. Two of us put 15 fish in the boat, only one at the 15" mark though, the rest averaged 13 1/2 +-. What I couldn't believe though is we lost about 4 fish to every one we caught. I used to think I knew how to catch these fish, but now I am beginning to wonder. We easily hooked 50 + fish today that did not make the boat. Talked to a couple of other fisherman that were having trouble getting these guys in the boat as well, so I didn't feel quite as bad. All in all, still a great day on the water despite some frustrations. Kokanee Killers produced again as well as some new gear obtained from a small tackle maker in California. Again, hoochies wouldn't get the job done today which is unusual. Best depths today were 40' to 55'. The bite started early then slacked off for a couple hours and then it was a hook up every 15 or 20 minutes until giving up due to wind at about 2:30.
There is probably one of two things going on with those kokes.
Either you are setting the hook a little too hard and almost ripping it out,(just barely hanging on) or the fish are striking the bait really aggressivly, and self setting the hook and tearing it through their mouth. I have fished these guys for years, and this is what normally happens for me if they are 1 for 4 or so. I'd bet it is the latter, seems to me they are usually pretty crazy right when we start gettin warm summer weather in late june or first couple weeksin July. Although it has been a year or so since i've been out for 'em.

But besides the point, you guys had a great day, geez. Decent sized fish too. I imagine the majority of the fish in there are about that size or smaller.
Nine today, up to 14 1/2", most at 12 - 13. 45- 50' and most caught at midday. Should shape up a little by Derby day. Noticed the lake is down about a foot or so in past 4 days as well.
Current conditions- ramp is great - water a little off color- maybe 3ft visibility in main lake. Temp- 40 degrees coming in from the creeks. Main lake was 42-45 as the day went.

Couldn't have asked for a nicer day on the water in Feb. Mostly sunny, little wind- felt like it got to 60 midday?

We fished at the mouth of the Santiam first thing in the morning. The water was super clear and shallow where the river came in so we moved towards the lake until we couldn't see bottom anymore and started trolling. Five minutes- fish on! Small silver spoon with a split shot did it. Switched to a fly they just loved it. For two hours we had a hot little bite going and caught 18 before they just up and quit on us. Felt like spring trout fishing for awhile. Kept trying for another hour- they either left the small area we were trolling in or got severe lockjaw when the sun got a little high on the water.

Headed down the lake to the first little arm we came to and caught a couple more in there. Then dead again. Pulled up and ran over to the Quartzville Arm- up to where the clear water from the creek(I should say SUPER CLEAR-could see bottom at over 20ft.) met the cloudier lake water and temp was 40 on the cold side and 42-43 on the "warm" side. There were a couple boats fishing intently there but we didn't see them catch any. We fished hard there the rest of the day and caught ten more. Some on a fly, some on flatfish- some on top- some down 10-15 ft. on the downrigger. They were very picky- maybe hammered hard all morning by other boats?

Anyway we ended up at 30 for the day(all released). Most were nice 12-13 inchers. Caught a few small salmon, besides the 30-under 8". Felt good to finally get into some fish after a few slow trips this winter. No breakdowns, no injuries- didn't forget the plug- truck still intact back at the ramp- it was all good!



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what should I use there? corn? if I don't have any luck for kokanee, is there a good place to bank fish for trout? and what works best for trout?
For shore fishing for trout I'd really recommend anywhere you can safely get to the waters edge. Thistle creek has good shore access in the winter and so does the park on the far side of the dam, oh and of course you can and certainly will catch trout from that bridge I mentioned just keep in mind they fish aren't always in the center of the channel.

I'd highly recommend using what ever you want to use and have had success with elsewhere :). That said the bridge is an excellent place for a bank fisherman to break out those buzzbombs they have sitting unused in the bottom of their tackle-box. But don't overlook spinners, spoons, flies, crankbaits, soft plastics, etc... they will all catch fish.
green peter report

green peter report

I was on green peter saturday with 3 poles hanging out the back of my boat from 7 am until almost 6 pm, and I caught 2 rainbows, and 1 kokanee. We tried chain weights, lead core, small lake trolls, wedding rings, kok a nuts all with white shoepeg corn, divers we even tried jigging 3 or 4 times when we ran across a large school. Ill admit, Im fairly new to this and still learning, but Id say the fishing is pretty slow. We may have been going a little fast as well, how do you know how fast your going. the main speedo isn't even budging, but theres gotta be a way to tell how fast your going when your trying to hit 1 or 1 and a half miles an hour. I dont have downriggers yet, and just got a honda 5 hp 4 stroke, so maybe next time will be better. I know we were deep enough for the fish though , because we got snagged a time or two on bars that were almost 50 ft down. Any input will be appreciated, as I hope this info helped some people out, Brian ps didn't help that there was a bass tourney also
the best and only thing to use is a luhr speed trolling speed indicator when you want to know exactly how fast you are going..also after spending countless hours on fishing forums this winter for a rookie i did all right on green peter.. maybe i had no bad habits to get in the way i caught 90 percent of all the kokanee on rocky mountain tackle sguid corn. corn grows on land and is to be eaten by humans . used herring oil and squid oil both worked about the same and a gold vance tackle dodger at 50 foot of depth trolling at 1.8 miles per hour seemed to do the trick at alll times of the day.leader length that worked the best was eight inches ..i know sounds weird but it worked for my daily limits.i set my dodger on a shasta tackle shuttle hawk so i dont crank 8 pounds of lead all day, just left the lead at 65 feet and a stopper at 15 feet above it. but i still can not for the life of me catch a kokanee while jigging, i did make some of my own this winter and will try again as soon as i can find a hitch for my jeep.if you have any more questions feel free to ask. when i started all my questions at the lake were met with blank stares and a cold shoulder ..would love to help if i sucked to be new on the pond ..
everyone on here said to use white shoepeg corn, your the first one out of about 25 that said not to. How would you go about it with out downriggers?? The lead core line caught two of the three fish saturday, so I guess thats the ticket. I dont think there biting yet, so I dont have a real good guage. Where can I find the speed guage you talked about?? thanks, Brian
try luhr jensens new web site i think its back up.. i picked mine up at sportsmans wharehouse in salem.also cabelas used to carry them for around 40 dollars ..they are great you can mount them on either side of the boat. i also tried fishing kokanee without downriggers ..almost gave up fishing for them then lucked out and bi mart had a sale i picked a couple up for a good price.i would not dare try now without downriggers.


maybe the corn messed with the action of mysquid i do use two siwash hooks that i tie myself mooching rig style and i dislike bait in i may be biased in that regard.
Green Peter report

Green Peter report

I went to Green Peter at 7 AM today the weather was beautiful, the water was 50* and no fish. I trolled for four hours and only had one Kokanee on and lost him near the boat. I have been trying something new this year. I am running two sets of Ford fenders off the downrigger ball, and my lure about ten feet behind that, and two feet above the flashers. It seams to work fine when you have fish. The nice thing is you don't have those flashers hooked to the fish to pull around.
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