Good spot for a shorebound angler to catch a salmon

Shaun Solomon
Shaun Solomon
Hey there-

First things first, I understand how to do a search. I have seen forums start to dry up and blow away when all the "basic" topics get covered and the old timers start getting sand in the nethers when these topics come around again. I think it is a good thing to revisit those topics now and then, as new people may have a different take, or sometimes timely information may be better conveyed through an exchange that is not "frozen in amber," so to speak.

Now that we have established that...:thumb:

I would like to go toss a slab of metal at a salmon. Is there a nice little tidewater that might afford me good odds with all the odd weather we have been having?

I don't really want to use bait, or get complicated and exotic with my rigging, if that changes anything. Just going to throw spoons or maybe spinners at them.

Feel free to mock me now. :D

Right now I think it's mostly a tide water fishery. I have only tossed spinners from the bank up at Ft Stevens but I think any of the bay's would have spots you find to toss spinners.....soon they will be in the tribs and then you'll be able to catch them from the bank on any of the coastal rivers and the Columbia and willamette tribs.

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I won't be one of those people that says "go search the older threads", lol, don't worry..

You live in Corvallis so I may not be the most useful source of information, but I'll try to help. The Siuslaw is a great option right now, you may have seen other threads but it's doing well. Upriver from the mouth a few miles I believe there are some good bank spots, but rogerdodger and other people who live down there know way more about that stuff than me. Casting those spinners (look at Berg03's thread) that have been recommend on other threads seem to work well in the tidewater stretches.

Anyway, water that I know about...The Trask river is probably your best bet as far as Tillamook bay tribs, the tidewater in the Wilson might have a couple fish. The Miami and Kilchis probably won't get too many for another couple of weeks. So the Trask or Wilson tidewater is your best bet, if you want to fish further upriver then the Trask will probably have more fish upriver than the Wilson will. NF Nehalem might have a couple coho nosing around.

As far as rivers inland, the Clackamas has decent numbers of coho now and will only get better. The Sandy gets a little bit of a later run than the Clack, but there should be a few coho in there right now too.
If you park at Mo's in Lincoln City and walk to the mouth of the Siletz river they cast spinners there for salmon, I was there a couple weeks ago and they had some nice 30#+ fish lying on the sand. I have never fished it but watched them for awhile. Some were casting plain spinners and some were adding weight a couple feet above it. Looked like a lot of people were casting blue foxes in size five or six. One lady was casting a mepps flying c spinner and had lost two fish. Hopes this helps, good luck.
Beautiful stuff gents. You folks are kind.

Having some family matters that might require my attendance in Denver, but if I can get away I will post about it.

Cheers all.

If you're in Corvallis, the Alsea, Yaquina, and Siletz are your closest rivers to do that. Siletz was mentioned above. Alsea you can go off the beach behind Subway at the 101 bridge. Yaquina I am less familiar with but I have seen people fish along the road between Newport and Toledo. This is a good time to fish the mouths of about any river you can find access to.
sapo said:
So the Trask or Wilson tidewater is your best bet

And where is this bank fishing spot on the Wilson you're recommending?

It's all private property.
Unless you want to burn up a tank of gas and spend all day driving, skip the Siuslaw and the Tillamook rivers. There are plenty of opportunities closer.
@DrTheo, oops sorry ya it's private property, but he could try the lowest hole on the river that's available to the public.

@C_Run..Tillamook bay is only about a 25-30 minute longer drive from Corvallis than Alsea bay is
sapo said:
@DrTheo, oops sorry ya it's private property, but he could try the lowest hole on the river that's available to the public.

@C_Run..Tillamook bay is only about a 25-30 minute longer drive from Corvallis than Alsea bay is

People are free to fish where they want. I know exactly how far these places are apart. I am also close to Corvallis but the things I think about are ,for example,how long do I want to spend driving in relationship to time with line in the water? You need to consider traveling both directions , also, so a trip to Tillamook or Maapleton is an extra hour on the road. Those are long day trips for me but I have done it. At the end of a long day, it's a bummer, so one ends up cleaning fish in the dark most of the time anyway. I'm just trying to be helpful to Shaun since it sounds like he's new in the area and to salmon fishing.
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Yup! I wasn't trying to come across as rude definitely know more about spots near Corvallis than me. Thanks for sharing the info!
Thanks to everyone.

Yes, I am both new to the area and new to salmon fishing. I have salmon fished a little in Alaska, but that was all with a fly rod for up-river fish. I have caught silvers, pinks, sockeye, and chums, but I have never caught a chinook.

I have been busily twisting up spinners, because I will be damned if I am going to pay eight bucks for a spinner. I got a 9'6" Lamiglass casting rod rated 1-6oz and 15-30lb to pair with one of my 300 Curados, spooled up with 50lb Suffix braid, and am more or less ready to give them hell.

I think I might get out Monday. I wanted to go today but it seemed like the weekend might be a little too... festive.

I will post pix of my spinners, I think they are coming out well.

Good luck, man. I've been skunked four times in a row this past month. My avatar pic is one I got with a spinner off the sand dune at Pacific City this time last it can be done.

No worries ,sapo. The internet might tell you it's an hour and a half to Tillamook but you invariably end up driving behind and alfalfa truck and it ends up two hours.
Shaun Solomon said:
Thanks to everyone.

Yes, I am both new to the area and new to salmon fishing. I have salmon fished a little in Alaska, but that was all with a fly rod for up-river fish. I have caught silvers, pinks, sockeye, and chums, but I have never caught a chinook.

I have been busily twisting up spinners, because I will be damned if I am going to pay eight bucks for a spinner. I got a 9'6" Lamiglass casting rod rated 1-6oz and 15-30lb to pair with one of my 300 Curados, spooled up with 50lb Suffix braid, and am more or less ready to give them hell.

I think I might get out Monday. I wanted to go today but it seemed like the weekend might be a little too... festive.

I will post pix of my spinners, I think they are coming out well.


Like to see the spinners, but would rather see a pic. of one in a fish's lip!:) Good luck if you make it out Monday.
I got out to the Siletz bay today and fished from the bottom of the low tide till the swing on the outgoing, nothing. Windy, saw no fish caught. Brutal. Embrace the suck. Whoever that was on the jetski out there, I salute you. You were at it almost as long as I was.

On another note... my spinners all looked real nice, until I used them. I put quick change clevises on them, thinking I was smart. Lost about five blades. Back to brass for me. Funny, I have used quick change clevises on walleye rigs for years. I guess the "seven mile bomb-cast" of a salmon rod does not agree with them. I gotta figure all this stuff out still. Feel free to chuckle at my expense.

We all have those days sometimes but we keep at because the good days are a blast!

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Glad to hear you made out Shaun. Keep after them and you will get one.
Try winchester bay. They get them with spinners out there. Could probably get some up river too while bass fishing.

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Finally got one at the mouth of the Nestucca, it only took three trips. A little buck coho of about 8 pounds.

The Nestucca has a very pretty mouth, the place is lovely.

I also feel fairly confident that it would be a great place to catch crab... I reeled in a large dungeness male that was snacking on my ghost shrimp. I suppose that is proof if any was needed that my bait was on bottom. I didn't have a crab-o-matic measuring thingy with me, but I am pretty sure it would have been legal. There were a pile of them crawling around on the bottom in plain sight. I guess a nice little walk really does keep the crowds at bay.

I think I will go back as soon as I can, I need the exercise.


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If your into combat fishing...Cedar Creek on the Sandy is hitting.

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