Friday the 13th.....


Well Friday the thirteenth went well, no one got hurt and we caught fish...:cool:
Dicroic and myself made it to Hills creek by 10:45am and not another boat trailer in the lot...
Made it to my favorite hole and just like last week first cast turned into a Native Rainbow Trout..worth the trip all by itself. We spent the day in the back of the res. and once we found the fish it was reasonable so we just stayed put and had a great day, the sun even poked its head out for a brief time. The wind would remind you that it was still February, hoods and hand warmers were the main stays that's for sure. Saw one bankie and he was using the boat ramp for his personal parking stall, sitting in his car with his rod leaning against his car side mirror; with a bell on the tip. Heater cranked up and he had quite a view I must admit. Speaking of views here are a few pictures of the day...hope you enjoy them.

To good...

To good...

Very nice, funny stuff. Maybe I should learn how to insert pictures into pictures, I could always have the largest fish of the trip :D

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