Fort Stevens in September


New member
Got a camping trip planned for the week after Labor Day at Fort Stevens. I'd like to get some fishing in, but the folks I'm travelling with are not into it so much, so charters are out of the question. At best I'll be able to get away for a few hours and I'm curious where I should go. Coffenbury Lake won't be stocked until later in September, and I hear that the South Jetty beach will be closed off due to maintenance. Anywhere else I should look for trout or surf perch? Is September a good time to go after clams or crab? Any input is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Razor clamming on Ft. Stevens beaches is closed between July 15 and September 30. High Domoic acid levels have kept the season closed thus far this year. Should be able to fish for surf perch from the beach. South jetty is closed and beach driving restricted north of the Peter Iredale.
Razor clamming on Ft. Stevens beaches is closed between July 15 and September 30. High Domoic acid levels have kept the season closed thus far this year. Should be able to fish for surf perch from the beach. South jetty is closed and beach driving restricted north of the Peter Iredale.
Thanks for the tip! Should I fish for perch just anywhere along the beach or are there some known spots I should target?
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