So i have been going on fishing a couple times the last couple months and have missed more fish than i have landed. The missed fish all came on bobber and jig or bait. I know how to rig a bobber several different ways, and i know about mucillin and bobber stops and all the goodies that come with them (or maybe i dont). So this isn't really isn't a question about how to rig a float, however, more a question about how to improve my technique. I believe the reason i lost the last couple fish is because as i extend my drift i let to much like out and the slack in the line prevents me from getting a solid hook set. I have trouble maintaining my float along the seam while keeping my line from bowing. I would idealy like to like my line follow a straight line too the bobber and am assuming this has to be done while free spooling. So i am curious if anyone has any tips about float fishing, besides rigging, that might be helpful. Especially tips about free spooling to extend the float. Should i be using a heavier weight and bobber.... etc. And another thing i would be interested in is what kind of line people are using while float fishing, are some better than others, braid vs. mono etc, slip bobbers like beau mac vs thill or even a fixed bobber. Thanks for any and all input! And geez... Has anyone from the bank been getting em lately? everyone is so quiet on this clackamas river section and i assume there are a few of us who make it out there everyone once in a while. Thanks again