Fishing tips for beating the heat


Courtesy of ODFW's Weekly Recreation Report:
  • Get up early. Fish early in the morning when water temperatures are cooler and fish are more active. You might also beat the swimmers, kayakers, paddle boarders, sailors, water skiers and others that might get in your way.
  • Go higher. Lakes at higher elevations should be cooler than those on the valley floors. This is a great time of year to fish some of the hike-in lakes.
  • Fish the headwaters. Water temperatures usually cool the higher you go in a river system. Elevations are higher, and streams are small – and more easily shaded by overhanging vegetation.
  • Fish deeper. In lakes and ponds, fish will head to deeper, cooler waters. In rivers and streams, look for deeper pools to fish.
  • Go to the beach. It’s cooler there and there are great opportunities for bay clamming and surfperch fishing.
  • Check before you go. There already are several active forest fires in the state. Check for fires and related road closures on Oregon’s interagency status map.
My go to for cooling off is to dip my hat and put it back on my head while it's soaked. This last week I prepared by wearing swim britches and took a couple dips in the afternoon.
Wish that I could've gone swimming at Lava Lake, the weekend before last. When we had those killer high temps! But there was an algae bloom.
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