Fishing the willamette in salem

My friend and I have been fishing the slew and the river at minto brown park without much luck. So far the fish count is as follows: 4 squaw fish (2 over 15"), 4 largemouth bass, couple bullheads and a few perch (sp?) and lots of sunfish. This is over about 5 months, and once we find a spot that seems good, its dead the next 3 times we go back. so far other then minto we have hit under the bridge downtown, on the boat dock near the bridges and can't seem to find a good spot. we are trying to get channel cats and squawfish. squawfish because 1 they are bad, and 2 because we are finding what works so we can make money on them next year :pray: so any spots you may know of or any baits/gear that you have found to work real well in the willamette would be great, thanks.
Welcome aboard...

Welcome aboard...

Nice to have you on board Smokey McFisher, I don't fish up north but we have quite a few members in your area. It seems your into all species of fish, quite the collection of fish in your first post...congratulations. Again welcome to OFF...

Thanks, im still kinda new to oregon, grew up in washington my whole life, and my friend and fishing partner also grew up somewhere else. So I hope this site will help. Love the site so far, lots of great info.
Search engine...

Search engine...

Spend some time with our search engine....there is plenty of information already out there. Feel free to ask any question you might have, someone here will have an answer for you, maybe not the one you want but an answer none the less...
I use to live in Tacoma, near Point Defiance Park...I finely move to Oregon to get out of the it rains up there. They measure it in feet if I remember correctly....;)

lol really, if you dont like rain dont move to washington. thanks for input, ill check the search out. heading down to minto and river again today, have a crawdad trap and going to try and get some nice size bait :)
Fresh Bait...

Fresh Bait...

lol really, if you dont like rain dont move to washington. thanks for input, ill check the search out. heading down to minto and river again today, have a crawdad trap and going to try and get some nice size bait :)

Mmmmm fresh angler after my own heart. Good luck.
Washington was the Army, still I did catch a Steelhead there; not on purpose but was still a great fight and got me hooked.

Hey Smokie, you have done better then I at the Willamette. The only portion of the Willamette that I have fished is the area near downtown. Nada and nada. I have been to Minto Brown park once. Is there a launch ramp there or do you launch from Wallace Marine Park? Reason I ask is every time I launch out of Wallace, and try to go up or down river I end up brusing my prop only a mile or so North or South.
Hey Smokie, you have done better then I at the Willamette. The only portion of the Willamette that I have fished is the area near downtown. Nada and nada. I have been to Minto Brown park once. Is there a launch ramp there or do you launch from Wallace Marine Park? Reason I ask is every time I launch out of Wallace, and try to go up or down river I end up brusing my prop only a mile or so North or South.

lol i dont have a boat, we shore fish, just 2 gimps wasting time mostly. we ride our bikes into the park and just ride down a trail till we find somewhere that looks good that day. sorry i can't help much on the prop issuse.
Hey Smokie, thanks for the reply. Have you tried Walter Wirth yet? I have tried it twice with no luck, but after reading other posts with regard to that lake it looks like I have been fishing in the wrong part of it and will have to put in a little more effort. One of these days I will learn to fly fish.
yea we goto wirth "cascade" pond all the time, best time to go is the first week after a stocking, gets hit hard and they come fewer and fewer. we are hitting it up tomorrow around 11am or so, they stocked about a week ago before the snow, so i dont think to many people got out there with the snow storm. if you come out tomorrow i can show you a couple spots we always hit there, there will be 2 of us on bikes on the far side of pond, most the way down in the trees, im the short hair one. we spend most the day there if you come out.

ok so we went out there yesterday and man is it flooded! its flowing into mill creek right now, so i dont know if they stock while that is happening or not, but they could swin out of the pond easy right now. we spent about 5 hours there and nothing. saw one kid pull out a brooder though, not sure what he used, but it was big. other then that saw a couple small ones caught but not much else that i saw.
I went over there yesterday, but when I got there it was really raining, so I left. I need to go and get some rain gear as I saw most there were well equiped. Right now I am out of action, due to a sore thumb which prevents me from tying knots. I have decided, when my thumb heals to get over there and start learning to fly fish.
What do you guys use as far as trout fishing gear? Bait, lures?

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