Fish on the fly at E.E. Wilson

i go to e.e wilson every year in feb when they start stocking again. but this time im going to bring a fly rod with. any suggestions for what would work under an indicator? or anything else that isn't a dry.

yea not much happening for dry fly around here in Feb. but a #14-16 bead head Gold Ribbed Heirs Ear with a #18-20 black emerger 16" down on the dropper would do fine under an indecator set 6-8' deep.... or trolling around a #10-14 black/olive/brown bugger or something with a bit of flash(BUD LIGHT SPECIAL coughcough) on a sink line/tip down 10' feet would do well I am sure..
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We got a limit of brookies the first weekend after they stocked the 3k. Took 30 minutes at sunrise and all were 8-10 inches, one was 11 inches.
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