First time at Crane Prairie

Combat Chuck
So I finally found someone that had spent some time at Crane after I reserved a spot at the resort. He said that he mostly stuck to the south half and there was free camping there :rolleyes:. He didn't think fishing was all that great near the resort. I only have a drift boat so I can't motor across the lake... what should I do? I dont want to cancel the reservation since my wife was very happy about showers. He mentioned free camping near rock creek, could I launch a drift boat here instead of paying a fee someplace else? I dont need a ramp, I just need to drive close to the water. Is the fishing not all bad up on the north side? I have never seen this lake so can you help me out? Thanks
I have never nbeen but i would steer clear of the resort. free camping meeans you have to bring your own table and toliet and shower in the lake but you wont have to deal with all the monkeys at and around the resort and you could probably beach the boat right at camp to have it ready at a moments notice. Maybe I just hate to pay for camping but free is always better.
I would if my wife wasn't with me...but her happiness translates directly to more fishing time for me! :) Its our first time, so we will check out the whole area and know for next time.
There is a fee at Rock Creek. Last time I was there I was still using a float tube and I just walked down to the water and slipped in. I'm sure you can get your drift boat in.
Yeah gotta make the wife happy. Good luck!
I was just going to say, free never makes the wife happy, especially when mixed with camping! :lol:
It doesn't take much to keep her happy... but handing her a shovel and telling her to just find a spot in the woods is a way to end my camping trip in a hury :)
There is camping at rock creek and quin river and both have ramps. With better fishing.
North end

North end

As I remember it, there is great angling opportunities at the Resort end of the lake. The Deschutes flows in up there almost across from the Lodge, Rainbows and Brookies...and of course BASS. I do like the free camping area in and around Rock Creek, but keep in mind that the entire lake holds fish. Heck with all that structure how could it not. Hunt for the warmest water and try everything, from Fly angling to bait under a bobber...I have caught fish on every method in that lake. A sonar is a very valuable piece of equipment in that lake, keeps you near the channels...Key to this lake; and the spring holes.
Where ever you end up, just enjoy the place...tons of wildlife and a billion stars at night.
Tight lines

Went there for the first time ever last month. Fishing was good near the dam, Big Rock, and Rock Creek areas.

Anyone can use the showers at the resort, they are pay showers. There is all kinds of great looking free camping spots I plan to use next time I go back.
Thanks everyone, troutski you calmed my worries a bit. I will try whats closest to me first then explore out from there. Also, Im not leaving till next weekend... so more tips are always welcome! :)
i fished at crane memorial day 09 last year near the resort, and the fishing kinda sucked. we only caught a 11 inch brookie a crappie and a nice 14 inch rainbow. im not sure about the lower ends of the lake, but i know that powerbait on the bottom works good for the trout. when i was there i fished a bit around the docks and saw a group of crappies in about 2' of water. just use a small jig tipped with a worm or jig with scent for the crappies.the only problem with any fishing in the lake is the infestation of sticklebacks that swarm your bait before it hits the bottom. if you want to know whats been working for the fish, just talk to the owners of the resort store, and they will tell you whats working. i hope this has helped in some way, and may your days be filled with many fish!!
Boat ramps galore

Boat ramps galore

Combat Chuck said:
Thanks everyone, troutski you calmed my worries a bit. I will try whats closest to me first then explore out from there. Also, Im not leaving till next weekend... so more tips are always welcome! :)

If you don't feel like the fish are cooperating simply pull the boat out and drive to the south end, but you know the fish will be on to the move and they will rush back to the lodge;)

ive been fishing crane praire since before i can remember weve been going over there every year except this year! The bass fishing used to be phenominal exspecially around rocky point just accross from rock creek its been slowly dropping off for the last 5 years. they hold tournaments on the lake pre-spawn fish are caught and then taken to Davis lake (fly fishing only) and released in hopes of making it a premier trout fishing lake.
Well I was loaned a different boat and this should make for a very fun weekend. We leave this morning (behind schedule). Gotta go load the gear!
Quinn River Channel

Quinn River Channel

Quinn River Channel......Oh my:cool:

Quinn River...... That makes me thirsty :), I have actually drank right where it pours from the ground.
Went to Craine yesterday. On my way out from Rock Creek hooked into a nice fatty. Was taking line ZZZZZZZZZ and jumping all over the place. Popped off as i was reaching for the net :( Thought the fishing was going to be hot but didn't hook into anything the rest of the day. Asked around to other people passing by and they said it was slow for them too.
We had some fun and got a few fish. Im very tired and sore. I destroyed my knee, its swollen and stiff. I would have swore I broke it at first, most pain of my life. Despite needing to go to the doctor, it was still a fun trip. More to follow.
So I did a good job on my knee, its braced up for a while. I stretched out a ligament so far that my knee isn't held together right. Still fun, we found fish in the channels, out of the channels, around and away from the trees... so... everywhere. The biggest problem was getting them in the boat... they are wild! I ended up with a couple of 17's and a 15. Had one the size of a steelhead and shaped like a football wrap me around a tree then jump! :wall: All were caught fishing bugs or worms under a bobber.

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