First Nook!

High Tech stuff?! UV corkies are available everywhere I bet.
I havent even been nook fishing once, besides when I was ill prepared for labor day last year when the moon phase skunked everyone.

You said you had a UL rod, 2 baitcasters, and 1 fly rod. I see a spinning reel in that picture...:think:
OnTheFly said:
It is really something to see tons of huge salmon bellying from pool to pool over just inches of water. These are called Tule 'tooly' chinook and the streams are realitively close to the mouth of the Columbia. The bulk of the run happens in September but the creek is closed then. The end of the line, or hatchery, is not far upstream and they get all the eggs needed. This fishery is NOT a sport fishery it's more like "I need some meet for my smoker" fishery. And that depends on if you get one that's not too dark. It can get a little gross in there also because these fish have only days left to live and some die and rot on the bank before they make it up to the holding tanks.

Yeah I go check out all the spawning creeks in the fall and it's something to see, but I don't fish in 'em! lol That's pretty gross if they turn that fast, I've smelled rotting fish carcasses in the dead of winter, when it's been cold, and it's violent...I can only imagine how bad it would be in this warm of weather. Gonna go eat my breakfast now and try not to think of rotting carcasses.
My dads rod. He rarely lets me use it. He let me use it this time cause I was complaining abot Drifting with a Baitcast.
Troutier Bassier said:
My dads rod. He rarely lets me use it. He let me use it this time cause I was complaining abot Drifting with a Baitcast.

But drifting with a caster using 1 oz should be no deal :think:
It was a Deal. a Big Deal. A Backlash Deal.
Troutier Bassier said:
It was a Deal. a Big Deal. A Backlash Deal.

What do you use it for normally? :think:
THE JEFF said:
Come on give the kid a break, it doesn't sound to me like he is doing any thing wrong. I was on that creek today and caught several fish and saw many other legaly and eathicly caught. I also saw some of the worst illegal and unsportmanlike activaty ever. I saw people fishing with bare treble hooks, people fishing 45 minutes before legal time.I even saw a person chaseing an ugly soreback casting in front of it. The cops were called and nothing came of it that I saw. I was disgusted. Where I was fishing was all good for about the first hour and a half. We were not tangleing up most of the fish were biters and not foul hooked. Then we were over run. Huge masses of recent immigrants that can't read fishing regulations invaded. And I mean large groups of them with no regard for our laws or courtesy for other fishermen complete with hords of children that stand behind you so you can't cast. They kept every fish no matter how gross they were,gutted them right on the bank and just threw the eggs in the creek. I have fished there once or twice a year for quite a while and I have endured some crowded situations but never have I seen a mess like this. Something needs to be done about this like a full time cop (that is bilingual) to write tickets all day. They could make enough money to fund the hatchery no problem. Im sorry but I was just repulsed by the awefull behaviour of these guests in our great state. I can't believe this is allowed to go on.I left and found a less crowed spot to fish. The whole thing made me sad.

Amen. I agree.
Trolling for Walleye.
Its not one of those Bass Baitcast reels where you push the button and cast, You flip a switch and it Free Spools.
And It was the Only Reel I had Handy, And I thought it would work Fine. It dident.
I used a Spinning, And It was Even Worse.
So next time Im gonna use a bass Reel. That should work Better and be easier.
Sorry TB, I didn't read the whole post. I just read the part about the 12ft leader and all that. Next time I'll just keep my mouth shut. But seriously poaching probably isn't something that should be joked about. So congrats on your first 2 salmon.
ya those big creek nooks are pretty big my bro went out last year and caught a 53 LB'er
Yep. My dads Friend caught a almost 50lber.
fishgriller said:
ya those big creek nooks are pretty big my bro went out last year and caught a 53 LB'er

Mebbe why it's called BIG creek. :D
Congrats on the salmon. Must have been nice to pull one early.
The creek closes closes after today and reopens in OCT. When I was a child my dad would take there because it was like like a 45 minute drive. We never really took any thing home but it was a blast to catch and release. Last time I was there I didn't even really fish. The crowd was massive I saw people not tagin fish and dip netting before light keeping tons of snaged fish... IMO if you get there early you may get a few biters which is probably iffy... otherwise its like osmo said all angles man.

Fish are opening and closing there mouths and each time they open they suck water and it goes through there gills. So some get lucky and happen to have there corkie a inch away and the fish ends up sucking it in. But most of the time people feel line bumps and set the hook and it is fouled hook and some get lucky end up catching it the mouth.

From what I was told there use to be a run of rogue chinook but they killed it off... now I guess you get a few in there but I am not sure.
like i said earlier my bro caught a 53-54 LBer out of there and it was a rougue
and her fillets were beautiful and bright
fishgriller said:
like i said earlier my bro caught a 53-54 LBer out of there and it was a rougue
and her fillets were beautiful and bright

Yeah man I belive it I just was told back in the day it was more common to get one of those bright ones. But yeah thats a big fish.
Awwww I can't wait until next year!

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