Finally, on the Clack

So after about 10 trips on the Clackamas and losing 2, I finally landed one. I went about 1-2 miles below Carver and was throwing Pink body, brass blade #4 spinners (Blue Fox type home-made) off the bank. Third cast I hooled up with this one. It had a punch through it's plate, so I assume this is a recycled fish. It also had a pink hook in its mouth. No complaints here.
Good job man. Its great catching fish on spinners.
The hole punch does mean that it was recycled, but that one is still plenty fresh and surely cut great.
Nice fish, congratulations! I caught my first one this weekend, and can think of nothing else. What's a trout again?
Congrats on the first!! I caught my first 3 weeks ago and have fished quite a bit since on 3 different rivers and still havent got my next. Although my buddy and my father have both now caught fish. Almost as exciting, but not quite! Again, congratulations!
Congrats on the Fish man

Good job man. Its great catching fish on spinners.
The hole punch does mean that it was recycled, but that one is still plenty fresh and surely cut great.

What exactly is a recycled fish?
just one that was caught by another angler or something the hatchery places back into the system?
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