Fears and Phobias.. water and fishin'

I have a healthy fear of drowning, almost paranoia. I wont go in the "swim holes" when my family will.
So, why do I feel so safe in the middle of a lake on a toon? Why do i feel so comfortable standing in the middle of the river up to my waist with water rushing past me... dreaming of Steelies.

Are there any others that have this paranoia and compulsion??

Oh.. and to add to my misery, I am allergic to FISH!
ok never mind
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If I can't see bottom, I won't swim.

If I wade in muddy water, I'll poke the bottom with the butt end of my rod with each step just to be sure I won't step in a hole or a drop off. :redface:
I deathly fear CARP!!!! Not as a fish, but I am worried they will mistake my boot or something as a piece of poop err... I mean food!
You and OntheFly make it sound like you are the ones obsessed with Carp, you bring them up in threads that have nothing to do with them. Either that, or just hoping I will stumble upon them and have something oppositional to say.

Ever since the issues that have taken place, you two bring them up ALL THE TIME. Drop it, why try to start more issues that can be avoided with simple silence. Some people just can't get the common sense that some things are better off not being said. Of course, somebodies gonna see my remark and then quote eggs and lol at it.

Grow Up.

Honestly sorry for the Hijack.
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I too am afraid of carp,,,,i dont want them to swallow my pontoon
Why can't I voice my honest fear?? Who are you to tell me what I fear and what I don't?
Drew9870 said:
You and OntheFly make it sound like you are the ones obsessed with Carp, you bring them up in threads that have nothing to do with them. Either that, or just hoping I will stumble upon them and have something oppositional to say.

Ever since the issues that have taken place, you two bring them up ALL THE TIME. Drop it, why try to start more issues that can be avoided with simple silence. Some people just can't get the common sense that some things are better off not being said. Of course, somebodies gonna see my remark and then quote eggs and lol at it.

Grow Up.

Honestly sorry for the Hijack.

im gonna call you the carp sheriff!!!!!!!!!!!
bigsteel said:
im gonna call you the carp sheriff!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey....Don't go off topic. It's all about phobias. With that said I'll admit....... I'm a Carpophobe
lol....eggs....:lol: :lol: :lol:

I hate spiders...arachnophobia....on Trillium in the middle of the lake one would think one would be safe...nooooooo.....a big brown spider runs up over the toon towards me...smush.....no spider...
I saw a carp eat a duck...There's a reasonable fear there!

In all seriousness, I've got an irrational fear of snakes, slugs, and sharks. Given the right circumstances, I'd probably cry, like, well, a girl.
Wow......Like sands through the hour glass........
Im afraid of seeing someone I know get hurt?? wierd huh.
Dave, Jim... We need to start having meetings to learn how to deal with our fear.
"Cope with Carp 101"
It is a 3 step program..
Step 1 buy bread and bait hook.
Step 2 catch carp and smash with rock.
Step 3 toss in pile and burn with gas.

Meetings will be held when nothing else better is to be done.
this could be our logo
Yeah I'm going to agree I'm afraid of a carp to, worried one might get on the end of my line then I would have to touch it to get my hook back from it.
That and needles not tattoo needles but the needles you get shots with. Funny thing is I like tattoos and tattoo needles, go figure.
bigsteel said:
this could be our logo

See that's what I'm talking about I don't want to touch that nasty looking wan a be fish gross.
Cj you can come to CWC101 tooo..
eggs said:
Cj you can come to CWC101 tooo..

Only if you are going to take the hook out of the carps mouth for me.
I will at first but exposure is part of the theropy..
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