Evidence of a good day

Chad and I hit the Coquille yesterday with guide Mike Fairchild of Northwest Guide Service. We had a good day and got some of the hardest, drag screaming fights we have ever got on video. I hooked my largest steelhead ever and Chad got into one that was hell bent on finding it's way into a brush pile. I won't give too much more away as it's going to be a great video. Hear is a pic of how the day ended. If anyone is looking for a guide to take you on the Coquille or Umpqua systems I would highly recommend Mike. He is a stand up guy and works hard to get you into fish.
Sounds fun. Is the viseo gonna be guest friendly on your site? That is deffinantly some evidence.
Yep, its a guided video and they are always available for everyone in full screen, high defintion! :dance:
Very nice. can't wait to see the video :)
Sweet ! ! ! your kicking some chrome for sure ! !
steelhead_stalkers said:
Yep, its a guided video and they are always available for everyone in full screen, high defintion! :dance:

Cool some of the videos I can't watch.
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