Hey glad to see you get one today (Cohosanders). I won't say any more than we got 27 today. Was really good. Also I heard that there are some of you on this site that are going to another posting site, and talking **** about me. Well if you don't believe me when I say I get as many fish as I do, then fine. But there is no reason to talk **** about me. I don't talk **** about how stupid you are, and how you could not catch a fish in a FN Aquarium. If you have something to say to me, then give me a comment on my web site, and I will address you there. I don't have any reason to lie about my numbers. I am not trying to impress anyone, if you are impressed it is because you have seen the show. Please be men, and if you don't like that I out fish you, then start golfing!! and get off the water. You know who you are, so instead of spending your time bitching, spend some time learning how to fish, so you won't have to be jealous of me and my friends. Remember, I never said I was a better fisherman than all of you, I just have a lot of experience on this creek. If any of you on here have seen me on the creek, catching one after another, then let these people know, so they will shut up!!!!!!!!!.
